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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - The "Negative MS Press Goes Here" Thread.

no point of this thread in my opinion. just delete the negative threads. they do it over at the uk ps forums, it dis-arms potential flaming like a charm.

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I agree with DOATS1.
Just delete the threads that are intentionally trying to have trolls come out of the wood work.


nice way to get more VG$ mrstickball...just make sure all negative 360 news goes here = flame wars = more posts = more VG$ for you


on a serious note

it is a goo idea

All hail the KING, Andrespetmonkey

jankazimierz said:
Microsoft loses demo unit at GDC to the dreaded RRoD

"This has got to be one of the most embarrassing things that could have happened to Microsoft at a trade show. How does it look when you keep telling people that the failure rates aren’t that bad, and you can’t even keep your own units from dying?"

Ok, now im off to the negative PS3 and Wii threads to ignite the flames of more fanboys!

 Now that's funny. Thanks for the laugh.

The thing is unless threads have been deleted without me noticing the forums here are in pretty good shape which I think is because of the mods work. I say we get about half articles half opinions with many opinions using the data provided here as basis.

Funny thing is even "positive" arcticles turn to crap so no threads are immune. This is why we have mods and as mentioned before have done a very good job to allow me to easily read threads without worrying is full of garbage. If it is full of garbage it gets deleted/locked or the people not following the rules banned.

Basically any news about MS I would like to read about it wether it is good or bad because I am interested in them since I own their product.

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Ah, I think this thread could beat the Hus's HD DVD death thread...

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


this is a great site, it's only problem is that it is heavily populated by fans of each major console, because everybody wants to see how their favourite console is doing in the vg industry. it's only natural that there will be conflict, we just need to realise and accept that. all that needs to be done is a firm protocal needs to be in place to keep the flaming to a mininum, it may not go away, but it can be minimised. creating a bad news thread is not the way to go in my opinion.

i think that the mods should remove any thread that is potential flame bait. even if they have their own opinion on the topic, they should just remove it.

banning won't help 'as much', because the user can just create another username, but if users here realise that flaming threads will be removed promptly, then they may be discouraged to do so in the future. just my opinion though.

I agree with twesterm and Talon. Threads like this simply can't work stickball. You can't just shove all negative press under the rug and pretend it's not there. This is a site for facts, not for "only positive facts."

I will continue to lock useless troll threads, but valid negative news can not be shoehorned into one thread. There is no reason for such a thread. Especially when locked threads now no longer appear in forum topics lists. It kills the validity of the forums as a reasonable video game discussion site.

I'll lock troll and flamebait threads, but valid negative news is part of life, and should be a protected part of free discussion on these forums.

twesterm said:
mrstickball said:

From now on, if there's a beef with MS, or a news story you have. Post it here. Don't start a new 30 page flamewar thread for certain people to jump on. Post it here. If not, I will begin to lock negative X360 threads.

So we'll just have a 100 page thread of flames and articles that get completely lost amongst the flames? Right.

I alwasy have problems with all x goes here threads because things always get lost in them. I suppose for things like SSBB updates that happen daily it's a great idea but for things like all youtube videos, negaticve console press, or anything else that isn't annual it's just a bad idea to me.

It works for the first 2 or three pages but then the thread keeps getting bigger and bigger and people just don't want to read it except for the people that posted in the first two or three pages. I know a lot of the negative press articles can be annoying but there are some that can actually be interesting.

A perfect example would be the article about the guy who had his console washed. It was a pretty interesting read and one I actually don't feel dumber for wasting two minutes of my life on. If that article was posted in the official negative 360 press thread, I would never have read it.

I really don't like searching through pages of flames just in case someone might have posted a new article since last time I checked it. That's why these threads don't work.



A good example is the youtube thread,  The slut video thread was a very discussed one, but if somebody just posted in the Youtube thread less people will notice

SSBB FC: 5155 2671 4071 elgefe02: "VGChartz's Resident Raving Rabbit"   MKWii:5155-3729-0989

mrstickball said:

It seems like, to no end, we have many users that post various anti-MS articles on the forums.

Although we welcome new users to the Microsoft Discussion forum, the issue I take is that the majority of people with negative MS/X360 press are not regulars on the MS Discussion forums. This makes me question exactly why they're here.

From now on, if there's a beef with MS, or a news story you have. Post it here. Don't start a new 30 page flamewar thread for certain people to jump on. Post it here. If not, I will begin to lock negative X360 threads.

To be honest, I haven't seen you on a lot lately, so let me lay out what the community has become:


It started with MS and PS3 trolls Legend11, and KingofWales. These two users, along with a few others, would post negative comments constantly about the Nintendo Wii, anytime they popped up. Mostly these articles were heavily biased from Brashcraft over at Kotaku, or just anything, stock prices falling, game delays, Wii won't last predictions, game cancellations, everything.


Then came the time of the Nintendo fanboy revolt against these trolls, as now, any time someone posts negative news about the Wii, if they are known trolls, they get harshly flamed and criticized because the community recognizes whats really going on, which is passive-agressive Wii hate in the form of negative news stories.


The tides changed, and now new trolls, mostly Nintendo and Sony fans, who are happy with their consoles spot in the industry, are now using all the negative Microsoft PR lately to flame the console themselves. This is basically in response to the huge surge of Legend11 and KoW posts a couple of months ago, which by example, led out expanding community down this road.


Most of the mods refused to stop it, because passive-agressiveism can't be proven, and most mods on this site love Nintendo, but don't want to be seen defending Nintendo, because most Sony fanboys like to retort to any positive Nintendo news with saying "this site caters to Nintendo" in so many words.


Now that its happening to a system you care deeply about and a system that you won't get in trouble for defending, I say ban em all. Nothing else is gonna stop it. Everytime they post their hate-news, they laugh and laugh. I'm serious. It's a scourge.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.