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this is a great site, it's only problem is that it is heavily populated by fans of each major console, because everybody wants to see how their favourite console is doing in the vg industry. it's only natural that there will be conflict, we just need to realise and accept that. all that needs to be done is a firm protocal needs to be in place to keep the flaming to a mininum, it may not go away, but it can be minimised. creating a bad news thread is not the way to go in my opinion.

i think that the mods should remove any thread that is potential flame bait. even if they have their own opinion on the topic, they should just remove it.

banning won't help 'as much', because the user can just create another username, but if users here realise that flaming threads will be removed promptly, then they may be discouraged to do so in the future. just my opinion though.