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mrstickball said:

It seems like, to no end, we have many users that post various anti-MS articles on the forums.

Although we welcome new users to the Microsoft Discussion forum, the issue I take is that the majority of people with negative MS/X360 press are not regulars on the MS Discussion forums. This makes me question exactly why they're here.

From now on, if there's a beef with MS, or a news story you have. Post it here. Don't start a new 30 page flamewar thread for certain people to jump on. Post it here. If not, I will begin to lock negative X360 threads.

To be honest, I haven't seen you on a lot lately, so let me lay out what the community has become:


It started with MS and PS3 trolls Legend11, and KingofWales. These two users, along with a few others, would post negative comments constantly about the Nintendo Wii, anytime they popped up. Mostly these articles were heavily biased from Brashcraft over at Kotaku, or just anything, stock prices falling, game delays, Wii won't last predictions, game cancellations, everything.


Then came the time of the Nintendo fanboy revolt against these trolls, as now, any time someone posts negative news about the Wii, if they are known trolls, they get harshly flamed and criticized because the community recognizes whats really going on, which is passive-agressive Wii hate in the form of negative news stories.


The tides changed, and now new trolls, mostly Nintendo and Sony fans, who are happy with their consoles spot in the industry, are now using all the negative Microsoft PR lately to flame the console themselves. This is basically in response to the huge surge of Legend11 and KoW posts a couple of months ago, which by example, led out expanding community down this road.


Most of the mods refused to stop it, because passive-agressiveism can't be proven, and most mods on this site love Nintendo, but don't want to be seen defending Nintendo, because most Sony fanboys like to retort to any positive Nintendo news with saying "this site caters to Nintendo" in so many words.


Now that its happening to a system you care deeply about and a system that you won't get in trouble for defending, I say ban em all. Nothing else is gonna stop it. Everytime they post their hate-news, they laugh and laugh. I'm serious. It's a scourge.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.