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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Destiny (PS4) outsells Mario Kart 8 in less then 2 weeks.

Ka-pi96 said:

maybe TLOU will just take it again

I hope not.

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Ka-pi96 said:
KLAMarine said:
Ka-pi96 said:

maybe TLOU will just take it again

I hope not.

It would be pretty funny though. It would surely be the first game to win GOTY 2 years running

Way overrated in my opinion.

Ka-pi96 said:
KLAMarine said:
Ka-pi96 said:

It would be pretty funny though. It would surely be the first game to win GOTY 2 years running

Way overrated in my opinion.

And underrated in mine

What about it did you like?

Making generalizations about the entire subset of people that could be defined as gamers. Foolish.

While Mario is generally the most recognizable video game character, saying everyone likes mario and or mario games is ridiculous.

Even Mario fans who like everything mario are extremely rare.

For instance: The Movie and the Animated Series.

I rest my case.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

Destiny is an amazing game.

It will sell over 5 million this year and over 10 million lifetime on PS4 alone.

Deserved sales.

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Ka-pi96 said:
bubblegamer said:
spemanig said:
Ka-pi96 said:
Makes sense for a better game to sell more

Destiny is barely even a good game, let alone a better game than Mario Kart 8.

I dunno. Destiny may not be a great game, but it's certainly better than MK8. Most gamers don't even like Mario.

Agreed and agreed

Well, coming from two persons who don't play Nintendo games that statement it seem obvious. I don't agree though, not because "I think Mario Kart 8 is better", but we are comparing a racing game to a shooter, if you prefer one over other it's all about preferences, it doesn't depend on the quality of the game. Why do people keep saying there are better games than others? This comparison doesn't make sense, both games are well done.

My bet with The_Liquid_Laser: I think the Switch won't surpass the PS2 as the best selling system of all time. If it does, I'll play a game of a list that The_Liquid_Laser will provide, I will have to play it for 50 hours or complete it, whatever comes first. 

Vena said:
bubblegamer said:

Of course there are reasons why one thing is selling more than the other one. But that's besides the point. We're discussing Destiny on PS4 ALONE here not on all platforms.

WiiU: <7 Million.

PS4: >11 million.

MK8 Entire Budget <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Destiny Marketting Budget.

What are statistics and how do I use them? There's nothing impressive here, when you get down to it.

Destiny sold more and that remains true whatever the reasons. Nintendo not willing to spend as much is their problem.

bubblegamer said:
spemanig said:
Ka-pi96 said:
Makes sense for a better game to sell more

Destiny is barely even a good game, let alone a better game than Mario Kart 8.

I dunno. Destiny may not be a great game, but it's certainly better than MK8. Most gamers don't even like Mario.

If gamers don't like Mario, this fact has nothing to do with Mario Kart 8 being worse than Destiny. Stop with these flawed logics. 

My bet with The_Liquid_Laser: I think the Switch won't surpass the PS2 as the best selling system of all time. If it does, I'll play a game of a list that The_Liquid_Laser will provide, I will have to play it for 50 hours or complete it, whatever comes first. 

Ka-pi96 said:
KLAMarine said:

What about it did you like?

Absolutely everything. Story was brilliant, gameplay was lots of fun, graphics were incredible and despite being very story focused it seemed to have a great deal of replay value. Then there was the multiplayer... IMO one of the best multiplayers around, way better than games like COD or Killzone.

Storywise, it was sort of predictable to be honest. And this sequence here bothered the hell out of me:


Story didn't bother explaining how Joel survived or how Ellie was able to fix that. In a tale about survival, that's a big sin.

Ka-pi96 said:

It would be pretty funny though. It would surely be the first game to win GOTY 2 years running

Well it deserves it :P

I am Torgo, I take care of the place while the master is away.

"Hes the clown that makes the dark side fun.. Torgo!"

Ha.. i won my bet, but i wasnt around to gloat because im on a better forum!  See ya guys on Viz