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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Destiny (PS4) outsells Mario Kart 8 in less then 2 weeks.

Ka-pi96 said:
spemanig said:
bubblegamer said:

I dunno. Destiny may not be a great game, but it's certainly better than MK8. Most gamers don't even like Mario.

Most gamers don't like Mario? Mario is the single biggest video game franchise of all time. Gamers love Mario. Destiny isn't on the same stratosphere as Mario Kart 8.

If we are talking all time then yeah maybe. But Mario is past it's peak now. Many franchises are much more popular these days, and we are talking about the present aren't we?

kapi....come on,mario had is  best time recently with wii and ds:Pit  is still can see it on 3ds,or even wii u somehow ;)

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tbone51 said:

Srry if my post stated i dont like shooters cuz its not true. I love the Halo franchise and H3 was my 2nd most played game of last gen. Im not going to judge Destiny as i havent played the game.

Again my bad^

Sorry, I didn't knew you were actually a fan of some shooters. People usually jump on the shooter-hate bandwagon simply because the genre is overexposed.

About Destiny, it's not bad but it's not great. It's simply decent, like some of the last CoDs. The hate it gets is because they overpromissed:

- Mix of RPG, MMO and FPS: Ok, it's an FPS. RPG? Why? Because it has classes? Killzone and BF have too. Because levels unlock items and powers? Killzone does it too. It doesn't have more progression elements than normal shooters do. They called it an MMO. The game only matches you with a few players once in an assinchronous manner (the only innovation). MMO for me it's a Planetside 2 game where you play with thousands of players, not a game that puts you with 2 people in a level.

- Online PVP: gameplay is tight. But vehicles are pathetic, specially with guys like BF having a lot of good ones. 6 vs 6? Are you kidding me? Killzone 3 was 8 vs 8, Resistance 2 was 30 vs 30, R3 was 8 vs 8. This gen BF4 is 32 vs 32 and Shadow Fall is 12 vs 12.

tbone51 said:
chocoloco said:

You heard it before because it is true. I own Nintendo, Sony, and Xbox so I can talk. Plus, as a gamer of diverse amounts of games, I know Sony any MS platforms have by far more variety. Observations made by actually buying and playing.

So i cant talk despite playing non nintendo games on non nintendo platforms? Pls with the "only nintendo gamers". that statement is overrated and is just finger pointing at best. 

If I said what I want to say I would get banned. You are basically the epitome of a Nintendo only gamer. You post so much it is impossible not to know your opinions.

tbone51 said:

Not necessarily, you need to look at everything overall, thats how the market is now. I mean look at HH and consoles. HH took a huge hit with todays market. Its kinda the same from last gen with shooters. Shooters sell extremely well. 

Also no "lol" as the games i mention are not from this year except 2 or 3 and they are selling on par with alot of new games that came out this year.

And another thing, obviously games on multiplat have a better chance of outselling something that are exclusive :-/ 

Of course there are reasons why one thing is selling more than the other one. But that's besides the point. We're discussing Destiny on PS4 ALONE here not on all platforms.

Well deserved.

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chocoloco said:
tbone51 said:
chocoloco said:

You heard it before because it is true. I own Nintendo, Sony, and Xbox so I can talk. Plus, as a gamer of diverse amounts of games, I know Sony any MS platforms have by far more variety. Observations made by actually buying and playing.

So i cant talk despite playing non nintendo games on non nintendo platforms? Pls with the "only nintendo gamers". that statement is overrated and is just finger pointing at best. 

If I said what I want to say I would get banned. You are basically the epitome of a Nintendo only gamer. You post so much it is impossible not to know your opinions.

Well since yiu kno me all to well i guess there's point in arguing right? Go ahead and say wat you wanted to say, i wont report it and frankly idc. I kno wat i play and dont. Yes im a huge huge huge nintendo fan but thats not wat all i am.

If your confusing me because i root for nintendo systems to do better (including SW) then im srry to say that has nothing to do with what i like to play.

Ka-pi96 said:
tak13 said:

i forget this mister ka-pi:P pokemon sales on home consoles proves which ip is bigger system seller:P well, if a pokemon stadium was in wii it would sell 20m,however still fewer than 36m mario kart wii or 33m new super mario bros:P in ds era mario kart sold 24m and new super mario bros 31m,pokemon diamond/pearl white 16m...heart gold soulsilver 13m but yeah in 3ds pokemon take vegeance with x and y and possibly with or as..and the imminent pokemon z?

On home consoles Mario is undoubtedly the better system seller (even though a Pokemon MMO could change that). But on handhelds nothing beats Pokemon when it comes to selling consoles. With the 1 exception of the DS, a Pokemon game has been the top selling game on everyone of Nintendos main handheld consoles. In some cases Pokemon games have also been 2nd or 3rd. I expect that trend to continue with the 3DS

well  ka-pi objectively,is there any chance for mario kart 7(i exclude 3d land and super mario bros 3ds)to eventually outsell pokemon x.y or as and or(i m putting them because i feel that they can surpass x and y)?

because Destiny had a higher marketing budget.
simple as that.

bubblegamer said:

Of course there are reasons why one thing is selling more than the other one. But that's besides the point. We're discussing Destiny on PS4 ALONE here not on all platforms.

WiiU: <7 Million.

PS4: >11 million.

MK8 Entire Budget <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Destiny Marketting Budget.

What are statistics and how do I use them? There's nothing impressive here, when you get down to it.

bubblegamer said:
tbone51 said:

Not necessarily, you need to look at everything overall, thats how the market is now. I mean look at HH and consoles. HH took a huge hit with todays market. Its kinda the same from last gen with shooters. Shooters sell extremely well. 

Also no "lol" as the games i mention are not from this year except 2 or 3 and they are selling on par with alot of new games that came out this year.

And another thing, obviously games on multiplat have a better chance of outselling something that are exclusive :-/ 

Of course there are reasons why one thing is selling more than the other one. But that's besides the point. We're discussing Destiny on PS4 ALONE here not on all platforms.

No i get that and i still reply FPS>>>>Every other genre. Look at all the FPS, they all sell pretty well even if some aren't good. Its just a popular genre. Not saying as its terrible/etc, its just the truth. No matter how good a fighting game is today, it wont even compete with a mid tier FPS in todays society. 

Persona is one of the best franchises made (and FE is acclaimed to be too) yet they sell crap compared to fps right? Only pokemon and FF can literally go ahead against the big fps and they still lose. (in sales)

All im saying is Destiny was known to sell a shit ton and it did. I congrate it for pullimg an amazing feat being a new ip non the less.