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bubblegamer said:
tbone51 said:

Not necessarily, you need to look at everything overall, thats how the market is now. I mean look at HH and consoles. HH took a huge hit with todays market. Its kinda the same from last gen with shooters. Shooters sell extremely well. 

Also no "lol" as the games i mention are not from this year except 2 or 3 and they are selling on par with alot of new games that came out this year.

And another thing, obviously games on multiplat have a better chance of outselling something that are exclusive :-/ 

Of course there are reasons why one thing is selling more than the other one. But that's besides the point. We're discussing Destiny on PS4 ALONE here not on all platforms.

No i get that and i still reply FPS>>>>Every other genre. Look at all the FPS, they all sell pretty well even if some aren't good. Its just a popular genre. Not saying as its terrible/etc, its just the truth. No matter how good a fighting game is today, it wont even compete with a mid tier FPS in todays society. 

Persona is one of the best franchises made (and FE is acclaimed to be too) yet they sell crap compared to fps right? Only pokemon and FF can literally go ahead against the big fps and they still lose. (in sales)

All im saying is Destiny was known to sell a shit ton and it did. I congrate it for pullimg an amazing feat being a new ip non the less.