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tbone51 said:

Srry if my post stated i dont like shooters cuz its not true. I love the Halo franchise and H3 was my 2nd most played game of last gen. Im not going to judge Destiny as i havent played the game.

Again my bad^

Sorry, I didn't knew you were actually a fan of some shooters. People usually jump on the shooter-hate bandwagon simply because the genre is overexposed.

About Destiny, it's not bad but it's not great. It's simply decent, like some of the last CoDs. The hate it gets is because they overpromissed:

- Mix of RPG, MMO and FPS: Ok, it's an FPS. RPG? Why? Because it has classes? Killzone and BF have too. Because levels unlock items and powers? Killzone does it too. It doesn't have more progression elements than normal shooters do. They called it an MMO. The game only matches you with a few players once in an assinchronous manner (the only innovation). MMO for me it's a Planetside 2 game where you play with thousands of players, not a game that puts you with 2 people in a level.

- Online PVP: gameplay is tight. But vehicles are pathetic, specially with guys like BF having a lot of good ones. 6 vs 6? Are you kidding me? Killzone 3 was 8 vs 8, Resistance 2 was 30 vs 30, R3 was 8 vs 8. This gen BF4 is 32 vs 32 and Shadow Fall is 12 vs 12.