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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Destiny (PS4) outsells Mario Kart 8 in less then 2 weeks.

tbone51 said:
bubblegamer said:
spemanig said:
bubblegamer said:

I dunno. Destiny may not be a great game, but it's certainly better than MK8. Most gamers don't even like Mario.

Most gamers don't like Mario? Mario is the single biggest video game franchise of all time. Gamers love Mario. Destiny isn't on the same stratosphere as Mario Kart 8.

So was FF, Tetris and Crash Bandicoot to name a few. Not so much anymore. We're talking about 2014 and onward here.

 2014 and onward.... HIGHEST Per System (not as a whole as Destiny+Watchdogs are currently winning by a good amount.

MK8: 2.5mil+ (3rd best)

Mario Party (3DS): 700k+ (35th best and came out last year)

NSMBU: 700k+ (42nd best and came out in 2012)

Yoshi New Island: (43rd best)

SM3DW: 660k+


lol i could name the sales of some games not on Nintendo's platforms that sell more than those combined. Destiny outselling MK8 with the PS4 version alone in such a short time is testament enough.

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chocoloco said:
tbone51 said:
Ka-pi96 said:
Makes sense for a better game to sell more

Better Game? 

Nintendo only gamers do have a very narrow view on games.

Oh yeah good reply! Never ever heard that one before. Only nintendo gamers too? So shocking! 

chocoloco said:
bubblegamer said:
chocoloco said:
This does not even count digital downloads. Like my copy that I bought and never play.

Activision has it's money. After that you're free to do with it what you wish.

Thanks for stating the obvious.

No problem

I feel like I should be posting in this thread more. Ka-Pi is just hogging all the points.

torok said:
tbone51 said:

Oh i get it! Destiny is better than MK8! It all makes perfect sense now :0 Shooters>>>>>>>>>>>>>Racers! I hate gen7/8 :'-( (lol jk)

I think people need to stop with the "shooters are horrible" thing. A lot of shooters are pretty good. Medal of Honor (PS1), Killzone 2, Halo 3, Quake 2, Goldeneye are some of the best game ever and are better than a lot of racers, platformers and so on. Of course, Gran Turismo 2 and Need for Speed: Underground are some of the best ever made too. The game's genre doesn't define if it is good or bad, its own quality does it.

About Destiny, it isn't bad but it isn't a great game too. It's decent and things stop there. My biggest complain is the 12 player PVP while even on last gen 16 was the base and on current gen everything is usually in the 24-64 range. MK8 is the best game of the two, but it isn't a masterpiece too since it is just an incremental update over previous games on the franchise.

Srry if my post stated i dont like shooters cuz its not true. I love the Halo franchise and H3 was my 2nd most played game of last gen. Im not going to judge Destiny as i havent played the game.

Again my bad^

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tak13 said:
Ka-pi96 said:

No I don't remember, I didn't follow sales back then

But a Pokemon game is currently the 3DSs top selling game, and in a few months it should have another Pokemon game right at the top of its top sellers list

pokemon or and as which can outsell pokemon x y:P yeah 3ds , is pokemon's revenge to mario for ds era ;):ρ Back in 2011 when 3ds did nt do very well,it  saw a huge increasment with mario kart 7 and 3dland(yeah and the price cut)

Ka-pi96 said:


i forget this mister ka-pi:P pokemon sales on home consoles proves which ip is bigger system seller:P well, if a pokemon stadium was in wii it would sell 20m,however still fewer than 36m mario kart wii or 33m new super mario bros:P in ds era mario kart sold 24m and new super mario bros 31m,pokemon diamond/pearl white 16m...heart gold soulsilver 13m but yeah in 3ds pokemon take vegeance with x and y and possibly with or as..and the imminent pokemon z?

tbone51 said:
chocoloco said:

Nintendo only gamers do have a very narrow view on games.

Oh yeah good reply! Never ever heard that one before. Only nintendo gamers too? So shocking! 

You heard it before because it is true. I own Nintendo, Sony, and Xbox so I can talk. Plus, as a gamer of diverse amounts of games, I know Sony any MS platforms have by far more variety. Observations made by actually buying and playing.

bubblegamer said:
tbone51 said:
bubblegamer said:
spemanig said:

So was FF, Tetris and Crash Bandicoot to name a few. Not so much anymore. We're talking about 2014 and onward here.

 2014 and onward.... HIGHEST Per System (not as a whole as Destiny+Watchdogs are currently winning by a good amount.

MK8: 2.5mil+ (3rd best)

Mario Party (3DS): 700k+ (35th best and came out last year)

NSMBU: 700k+ (42nd best and came out in 2012)

Yoshi New Island: (43rd best)

SM3DW: 660k+


lol i could name the sales of some games not on Nintendo's platforms that sell more than those combined. Destiny outselling MK8 with the PS4 version alone in such a short time is testament enough.

Not necessarily, you need to look at everything overall, thats how the market is now. I mean look at HH and consoles. HH took a huge hit with todays market. Its kinda the same from last gen with shooters. Shooters sell extremely well. 

Also no "lol" as the games i mention are not from this year except 2 or 3 and they are selling on par with alot of new games that came out this year.

And another thing, obviously games on multiplat have a better chance of outselling something that are exclusive :-/ 

chocoloco said:
tbone51 said:
chocoloco said:

Nintendo only gamers do have a very narrow view on games.

Oh yeah good reply! Never ever heard that one before. Only nintendo gamers too? So shocking! 

You heard it before because it is true. I own Nintendo, Sony, and Xbox so I can talk. Plus, as a gamer of diverse amounts of games, I know Sony any MS platforms have by far more variety. Observations made by actually buying and playing.

So i cant talk despite playing non nintendo games on non nintendo platforms? Pls with the "only nintendo gamers". that statement is overrated and is just finger pointing at best. 

Ka-pi96 said:
Clyde32 said:
I feel like I should be posting in this thread more. Ka-Pi is just hogging all the points.

If you think I'm getting a lot of points then you should look at the op teigaga!

If you want points then you want to create threads like these rather than just post in them

I've been considering making a clickbait thread...Maybe that will work.