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tak13 said:
Ka-pi96 said:

No I don't remember, I didn't follow sales back then

But a Pokemon game is currently the 3DSs top selling game, and in a few months it should have another Pokemon game right at the top of its top sellers list

pokemon or and as which can outsell pokemon x y:P yeah 3ds , is pokemon's revenge to mario for ds era ;):ρ Back in 2011 when 3ds did nt do very well,it  saw a huge increasment with mario kart 7 and 3dland(yeah and the price cut)

Ka-pi96 said:


i forget this mister ka-pi:P pokemon sales on home consoles proves which ip is bigger system seller:P well, if a pokemon stadium was in wii it would sell 20m,however still fewer than 36m mario kart wii or 33m new super mario bros:P in ds era mario kart sold 24m and new super mario bros 31m,pokemon diamond/pearl white 16m...heart gold soulsilver 13m but yeah in 3ds pokemon take vegeance with x and y and possibly with or as..and the imminent pokemon z?