It is stupid but i get their thought process. They surely know minecraft doesnt have nearly 2,5 billion worth of sales in it but the opportunity for sequels is the driving factor. The hard åart about that is the games nature of community created content. This makes people less inclined to buy a sequel as they have infinite entertainment from the first one. One of two things will happen though. Their platforms will get a big boost or the more likely which will see minecraft as a brand quickly fade into obscurity as people wont buy another system just for that. I think of it like any top mobile title such as clash of clans. If it wasnt on a platform with 100's of millions of users there is no way a mediocre game like that would be anything more than just about break even. Games like minecraft isnt popular because of its quality but because of accesibilty/price/content. These things are a perfect combination for when you already own a system that is compatible but it is really irrelevant when needing to persuade new consumers to your ecosystem. For that you would need 20-50 minecraft types of games in order to see an impact... I always like to compare these situations with league of legends. A game that i will guarentee hadnt been even half as successful had it not required an insanely low specification on your pc. Nearly every laptop can run this and is furthermore f2p but no one goes outright and buys a laptop to play league. It is only something being considered after the pc purchase made for different reasons.