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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft Nearing Deal To Purchase Minecraft for $2 Billion CNBC Reports

That is great news! I can't wait to see what Mojang can do with Sports Rivals

“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.”

- George Orwell, ‘1984’

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If I were MS and this deal goes through I'd immediately greenlight

Minecraft Star Wars - First of many cross-licensed titles, taking a page out of LEGO's book. Even Angry Birds got a Star Wars crossover so this is a no brainer. XB1/360/Windows Mobile/PC available on day 1, iOS/Android versions coming 1-2 months later. Would start working on deals with other IP too, like Hobbit/LOTR, Indiana Jones, Avengers/Marvel, Disney, etc.

Minecraft Halo DLC - Free of charge for X1/360/iOS/Android, obviously not available on Playstation versions.

Minecraft Kart Racing - Would definitely start development of this asap.

Soundwave said:

MS just recently financed something like 6 new game studios. 

If it's not your money, really what do you care if they break even? Apple likely won't ever break even on the Beats headphones purchase ... who really cares?

These companies have more money than they know what to do with. 

Pretty sure MS looks at Minecraft as more than just a game series, they are probably looking at the upcoming Hollywood movie and merchandising aspects as well. They are buying a brand, not just a game. 

Your right, it's not my money, I don't care. But I know what is stupid and what isn't.

I can see MS see Minecraft as more than a game, but less put things in perspective. It is just a game and Marvel and Star Wars are bloody Marvel and Star Wars, essentially pop-culture institutions for the last 70 and 35 years. Mincraft, is popular now.

You know what, good luck to them. Idiots.

Hmm, pie.

Fun Fact:

Microsoft started talks with Mojang 3 months ago and is set to sign the deal this month.

They still have to sell PS3, PS4 and PS Vita Mincraft.

Don't copy random editorials.

ThatDanishGamer said:

Fun Fact:

Microsoft started talks with Mojang 3 months ago and is set to sign the deal this month.

They still have to sell PS3, PS4 and PS Vita Mincraft.

minecraft 2 coming to XB1, PC and windows mobile holiday 2015. (or 2016). 

Around the Network

Expect Minecraft 2 to be announced and all support for Minecraft one to be stopped immediately .

bananaking21 said:
ThatDanishGamer said:

Fun Fact:

They still have to sell PS3, PS4 and PS Vita Mincraft.

minecraft 2 coming to XB1, PC and windows mobile holiday 2015. (or 2016). 

Has that game been confirmed?

Don't copy random editorials.

DirtyP2002 said:
DerNebel said:

Ok let me treat this as more than a rumor (which is all I think it is for now) for a second. I have 2 questions

1. Mojang made $129 million in profit last year, how in the world is that studio worth even close to $2 billion?

2. How greedy would taking this offer make Mojang? They have a still uber successful product, they are independent and they've already made more money than they could ever spend, what would they need those $2 billion for?

1) the current profits do not reflect the price of a company. Twitter never made a profit till Q3 2014 and is worth 32 billion USD.
It is about the potential the company has. Minecraft for example is a successful app and videogame, but that is it. With the help of Microsoft they can do much more than that. Create toys, make it a franchise, make it a Xbox mascot etc.

2) Why is it greedy at all? They can continue to do what they love and have the opportunity to do this on a much bigger scale, because of Microsofts power / money / network. They will probably continue to do Minecraft on Android and iOS anyway. The only plattform that won't see future releases is Playstation.

Their next project, whatever it may be, will see all the support they could have hoped for as well and will most likely be on Windows, Xbox One, Windows Phone and probably iOS and Android. So, if you cand just keep on doing what you love and release it on pretty much every plattform you like (except Playstation and Nintendo) and you get a shitload of money, you would be stupid not to do this.

1) They are already doing those things there's tons of merchandise, there're Minecraft Legos, a Movie coming, I don't see what becoming an Xbox mascot would help Minecraft or Mojang that's essentially only beneficial to MS. And if they wanted it to make a franchise they could.

2) Because at one point they might not love to do Minecraft anymore and at that point it's good to not have a company like MS behind you. If MS wants them then they want them for Minecraft and that's what they'll have em make, just like they had Bungie make Halo or created 343i to then take over Halo, or how they pushed Gears on Black Tusk after they had already started a new IP. Maybe that's just me, but I'll take rich + successful + independent over even richer + possibly more successful - independent any day.

ThatDanishGamer said:
bananaking21 said:
ThatDanishGamer said:

Fun Fact:

They still have to sell PS3, PS4 and PS Vita Mincraft.

minecraft 2 coming to XB1, PC and windows mobile holiday 2015. (or 2016). 

Has that game been confirmed?

nothing has been confirmed yet, not even the sale. minecraft 2 is just my prediction. 

Um, lol.