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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft Nearing Deal To Purchase Minecraft for $2 Billion CNBC Reports

Boycotts Oculus for being bought by Facebook. Sells his company to Microsoft.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

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BraLoD said:
vivster said:
Boycotts Oculus for being bought by Facebook. Sells his company to Microsoft.

Even funnier: By the same ammount of money.

Which proves my point that it was just about jealousy. I bet they demanded like 2 billion dollars and a subway or so just to get more than Oculus.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

lucky i don't play Minecraft... 

Shadow1980 said:
Vasto said:
I don't like it. They need to invest that $2B into more 1st party studios and new IPs.

^This. One of my biggest beefs with MS is their unwillingness to expand their first-party efforts. For the last five years they've done very little besides Halo, Forza, and Fable. Even now, the only retail-release first-party games the XBO will have had in its first two years on the market are two Forza games, Halo 5, the Master Chief Collection, and maybe Fable Legends and Crackdown (though we don't even know if Crackdown is being developed in-house or by a second-party contractor). Gears of War is now being developed first-party as well, but it may not be out until 2016 at the earliest. That's just a pitiful selection of first-party games. It seems like most Xbox exclusives are third-party. I still like Halo a lot, and it's the only reason why I'm still going to get an XBO, but Nintendo and Sony both completely outclass MS in terms of first-party efforts. With all the cash that MS has at their disposal, it's a shame they don't expand their first-party efforts to be more on par with Nintendo and Sony. MS has a ton of existing IPs at their disposal besides Halo, Forza, Fable, and Gears, many of them being old Rare IPs, and they could create new IPs as well, but they choose to focus their efforts elsewhere, such as buying rights to third-party games.

Yeah they need to form some studios to work on some of Rare's older IPs, we all know Rare isn't what they used to be so why not just create some new studios and let them make Perfect Dark, Banjoo, Conker etc....

NobleTeam360 said:

Yeah they need to form some studios to work on some of Rare's older IPs, we all know Rare isn't what they used to be so why not just create some new studios and let them make Perfect Dark, Banjoo, Conker etc....

Obviously what they need right now is a 2b dollar acquisition.

The shareholders will just love this.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

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Microsoft isnt using that cash effectively. Minecraft is on decline and with this cash they can buy other companies like Capcom or fund exclusive games. What a waste.

vivster said:
Boycotts Oculus for being bought by Facebook. Sells his company to Microsoft.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

NobleTeam360 said:

Yeah they need to form some studios to work on some of Rare's older IPs, we all know Rare isn't what they used to be so why not just create some new studios and let them make Perfect Dark, Banjoo, Conker etc....

It is 2020. Take-2 Interactive eventually cuts Rockstar North loose after people finally tire of busting guns up prostitute's bumholes and stealing ice cream cones from Mafiosos. Pixar forgets their ancient beef about owning the rights to unicycles, and the recently rejuvenated DMA Design makes Unirally 2 for Nintendo. No fucker buys it except me.


Some of you guys are just looking at Minecraft game sales alone and how much Mojang made off it, but for Microsoft it is a lot more than that. Imagine how many xbox gaming systems they can push with Minecraft, right now Microsoft it making a profit off each xbox one and the xbox 360 sold. If they can make about 100 dollars in profit for each xbox one or xbox 360 sold (hardware, accessories,advertisement,3rd party royalty fee, xbox live, ect...) and if millions of people buy their gaming system for Minecraft or over the ps4 for Minecraft that is about 200 - 300 million dollars profit from that alone. This isn't including Minecraft game itself, Toy and accessories, sequals, dlc, windows platform and more. If they think they can't make a profit off this purchase they wouldn't be purchasing it.

People are saying it would be illegal for MS to pull Minecraft from PSN... no it wouldn't. Lots of games get delisted for various reasons.

I don't know about the 2 billion number, but I do know MS and Mojang would have better ideas on the worth of the developer/franchise than any of us would. IIRC I read somewhere they made hundreds of millions last year just on Minecraft merchandise. There is tons of potential. Give the game the console treatment. Sequels, expansion, microtransactions (more anyway, it already has them).

Who knows how big of a deal it would be. Also, the "bubu they could have funded 205 studios and games with that money!" talk is tired. And pointless. Going by that logic why do any of the big 3 make AAA games anymore? Think of all the eShop games Nintendo could make if they shelved this whole Amiibo nonsense and canceled Zelda. And why is Sony bothering with Uncharted 4? Think of all the smaller games they could make with that money. MS has enough studios and exclusive games. And best of all, they have enough money to make a move like this, AND still fund other studios and other games.

I wonder what this means for Xbox though? Such a huge investment, if true. Maybe they will move away from home consoles. There's not as much money in it now as there used to be. More so than a killer app for Xbox One, I think exclusive Minecraft on Windows Phones and PC's and tablets would be a pretty big deal.