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Shadow1980 said:
Vasto said:
I don't like it. They need to invest that $2B into more 1st party studios and new IPs.

^This. One of my biggest beefs with MS is their unwillingness to expand their first-party efforts. For the last five years they've done very little besides Halo, Forza, and Fable. Even now, the only retail-release first-party games the XBO will have had in its first two years on the market are two Forza games, Halo 5, the Master Chief Collection, and maybe Fable Legends and Crackdown (though we don't even know if Crackdown is being developed in-house or by a second-party contractor). Gears of War is now being developed first-party as well, but it may not be out until 2016 at the earliest. That's just a pitiful selection of first-party games. It seems like most Xbox exclusives are third-party. I still like Halo a lot, and it's the only reason why I'm still going to get an XBO, but Nintendo and Sony both completely outclass MS in terms of first-party efforts. With all the cash that MS has at their disposal, it's a shame they don't expand their first-party efforts to be more on par with Nintendo and Sony. MS has a ton of existing IPs at their disposal besides Halo, Forza, Fable, and Gears, many of them being old Rare IPs, and they could create new IPs as well, but they choose to focus their efforts elsewhere, such as buying rights to third-party games.

Yeah they need to form some studios to work on some of Rare's older IPs, we all know Rare isn't what they used to be so why not just create some new studios and let them make Perfect Dark, Banjoo, Conker etc....