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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft Nearing Deal To Purchase Minecraft for $2 Billion CNBC Reports

This game made around 800 million in revenue and probably nearing a billion if you include merchandise. Why would they want to pay double the amount for the franchise if already a lot of people are playing the game and it is doubtful whether a sequel/spin-off will gain the same success.

Hard to believe. 

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DerNebel said:
Soundwave said:
DerNebel said:
Soundwave said:

They'd be idiots not to take this deal. 

Why? What does Mojang need $2 billion for?

Who doesn't need $2 billion dollars?

Most anyone would take that and run. Disney bought Star Wars for $4 billion and it's not like Lucas wasn't super rich but he couldn't turn down such a big offer. 

Star Wars is something that took Lucas two decades to build up too ... $2 billion for a single PC game you made? LOL. No one's saying no to that. 

Who doesn't need $2 billion? In one word: Mojang

Sure Notch could still very well take the offer, if it even exists, but he really doesn't need it at all and I'm not to sure if Mojang wants to give up its independence for a sum of money that it doesn't need. I don't know maybe that's just me, but if I were in the position Notch is in (more money than I can ever spend, own an independent studio with an extremely successful game, which gives me the possibility to do whatever I want basically), I'd decline that offer, I'd see no personal gain in it aside from money that I'll never spend anyway.

There is a difference from being millionaire rich to billionaire rich. 

And why can't Notch be as independant as always? If anything he can now work on tons of games of his own choosing if he wants to being a billionaire. 

Can't say I'm bothered. Massively overpaying for a gaming franchise that I have no interest in lowers the possibility of MS moneyhatting something I actually care about.

This Wall Street Journal article seems to be the origin of this story:

If this is true then Mojang would be insane to not take the deal. Would make me a bit upset though. While I know they can't just yank the game, could they decide not to provide updates to the PS3/4 versions and only bring updates to 360/XB1 versions?

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I was so happy to hear this news. Best news of the month, I really hope that the deal goes through...
All the time I was scared that MS in their agony of defeat might moneyhat Resident Evil, GTA, Red Dead 2, Fallout... Instead they moneyhat Minecraft.
I am so relieved...
The more they spend on stuff I don't give a damn about, the less the chance of them taking good stuff away from me.

Notch should take the money and laugh all the way to the bank, buy a small Polynesian island and enjoy himself.

BTW, will Minecraft now be exclusive or exclusive exclusive?

Someone on GAF mentioned this but I wonder if MS could handle Minecraft a lot like the Lego Games ... Star Wars Minecraft, LOTR Minecraft, Marvel Minecraft, Batman Minecraft, Halo Minecraft (obviously), etc. etc. etc.

I remember the founder of mojang saying how the occulus sellout to facebook creep him out. Ah... money. How it twists people.

Nem said:
I remember the founder saying how the occulus sellout to facebook creep him out. Ah... money. How it twists people.

Yeah I'm guessing it's a different story when there's a $2 billion cheque sitting on the table in front of you with your name on it. 

I'd sign it and not lose even one second of sleep over it. Even if the arguement is that you're not "indepedant" ... $2 billion means you can go and create a new company that is far more indepedant than ever before, lol, because you have the bankroll to be as indie as you want. 

Nem said:

I remember the founder of mojang saying how the occulus sellout to facebook creep him out. Ah... money. How it twists people.

Money can buy you anything, you just need the right amount.