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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Starcraft Mafia - Game Thread - Concluded

On the bright side, a Protoss was dead.  On the sad side, there was now or had been Protoss.  So it was that as Space Marine Erin pondered this turn of events, the fear of Protoss added itself to the fears of death by nuclear holocaust and sheepsplosion.  The following morning, Space Marine Erin was getting ready for a big day.  As she gazed out of her quarters' window and looked down at the people below she saw one person running across a field.  She idly raised a finger, pointed it at the person, and made a "pew" sound.  The person fell over.  She looked at her finger accusingly for a moment and then dashed out of her quarters.

When all was said and done, the bodies of two Space Marines were recovered:  Nicklesbe (Marine) and HylianSwordsman (Marine).

Day 2 begin.

Around the Network

(14) Not Voting - bugrimmar, Carl2291, Conegamer, EricFabian, impertinence, padib, radishhead, Sparks, spurgeonryan, theprof00, TruckOSaurus, WhiteEaglePL, Wonktonodi, Wright

With 14 alive, it takes 8 to lynch.

Countdown to Night 2:

Please PM Smeags or myself if there's an issue with the vote count.

So, if I am reading things correctly, Astrogamer was Mafia and Nickelsbe/Hylian were town, correct?

Poor Hylian. He'd barely started.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Killing Hylian was low (him being a late replacement). Killing Nickels is... an odd choice. The way I see it, scum seems to be going for active players both, Nickels and Hylian were big posters.

Two deaths seem indicative of us truly having three factions (Terran, Protoss, Zerg most probably).

Signature goes here!

Let's get down to business now, here's the final vote table for Day 1:

Words Of Wisdom said:

Final Vote Count of Day 1

(6) Astrogamer - theprof00
, HylianSwordsman, WhiteEaglePL, TruckOSaurus, impertinenceNicklesbe
(1) bugrimmar - padib
(1) EricFabian - Conegamer
(5) Nicklesbe - EricFabian, spurgeonryan, SparksCarl2291, Wonktonodi
(4) Not Voting - Astrogamer, bugrimmarradishhead, Wright

Astrogamer has been lynched.  Flavor and reveal to come.  Please no more posting.

All roles with night actions may begin sending them to me.

Everyone on the Nickelsbe lynch train is suspicious to me (some more than others). I can guarantee there's some Protoss in that group. Protoss players knew Astro was scum and should they have prevailed in switching the lynch over to Nickels they could have easily blamed Nickels' play and said something like "It's better that we know now instead on having suspicions all game". This brings me to the last minute play of Wonk:

Wonktonodi said:
Conegamer said:
Wonktonodi said:

you're vote isn't on either of them( yes neither is mine)

if you had to vote for one who would it be?

Probably Nickelsbe. After all he had my vote up until an hour or so ago. 

Astrogamer has been a little unfortunate I feel. But not defending himself concerns me too, so if either of them are lunched, I'm not going to complain. 

then do it.

Vote Nickle

This seems like scum making a last effort to save his partner from death. I could be suspicious of Conegamer too but he reacted the right way by not wanting to create a tie, he had the opportunity to create a No Lynch and he didn't take it.

So yeah:

Vote: Wonktonodi

Signature goes here!

Around the Network

EricFabian, spurgeonryan, SparksCarl2291, Wonktonodi voted for Nickels

If I had to pick other potential scum from this lineup apart from Wonk, I'd go with EricFabian and Sparks. I'll have to look into them toDay. I had a town read on spurge and Carl's confrontation with Wright about win conditions makes me lean town on him too (at least for now).

Signature goes here!

Great lynch guys.

Padib, we did NOT only know of Terran. Without going into the PM shit again, it says right in post 2 of this thread that the Town faction is Terran which is a direct hint that Scum is gonna be another race (or both).

Seriously, anyone at all who hasnt known the faction stuff has to have the magnifying glass aimed at them. Not only do we have the hints in the Terran PMs but WoW has it right in his openings.

About the day talk thing, and with the absolute FACT that this is a 3/4 faction game, Id think it would be more than fair to assume Protoss having Day talk and Zerg having night talk.

No slips of anything, just safe assumptions by knowing what WoW told us and by knowing Starcraft.


Carl2291 said:
Great lynch guys.

Padib, we did NOT only know of Terran. Without going into the PM shit again, it says right in post 2 of this thread that the Town faction is Terran which is a direct hint that Scum is gonna be another race (or both).

Seriously, anyone at all who hasnt known the faction stuff has to have the magnifying glass aimed at them. Not only do we have the hints in the Terran PMs but WoW has it right in his openings.

About the day talk thing, and with the absolute FACT that this is a 3/4 faction game, Id think it would be more than fair to assume Protoss having Day talk and Zerg having night talk.

No slips of anything, just safe assumptions by knowing what WoW told us and by knowing Starcraft.

All scum faction have to have Night Talk in order to make a decision on who to kill. To me, they either both have Day Talk or neither has it.

Signature goes here!

And I guess this is an apology to Nick.

Your early game just screamed to me that you were Scum.

Guys we should really start to focus on some of the more inactive players.


TruckOSaurus said:
Carl2291 said:
Great lynch guys.

Padib, we did NOT only know of Terran. Without going into the PM shit again, it says right in post 2 of this thread that the Town faction is Terran which is a direct hint that Scum is gonna be another race (or both).

Seriously, anyone at all who hasnt known the faction stuff has to have the magnifying glass aimed at them. Not only do we have the hints in the Terran PMs but WoW has it right in his openings.

About the day talk thing, and with the absolute FACT that this is a 3/4 faction game, Id think it would be more than fair to assume Protoss having Day talk and Zerg having night talk.

No slips of anything, just safe assumptions by knowing what WoW told us and by knowing Starcraft.

All scum faction have to have Night Talk in order to make a decision on who to kill. To me, they either both have Day Talk or neither has it.

Oh yeah

In which case, Id assume Zerg only have night while Protoss have both (likely to compensate for a lack of players).