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Let's get down to business now, here's the final vote table for Day 1:

Words Of Wisdom said:

Final Vote Count of Day 1

(6) Astrogamer - theprof00
, HylianSwordsman, WhiteEaglePL, TruckOSaurus, impertinenceNicklesbe
(1) bugrimmar - padib
(1) EricFabian - Conegamer
(5) Nicklesbe - EricFabian, spurgeonryan, SparksCarl2291, Wonktonodi
(4) Not Voting - Astrogamer, bugrimmarradishhead, Wright

Astrogamer has been lynched.  Flavor and reveal to come.  Please no more posting.

All roles with night actions may begin sending them to me.

Everyone on the Nickelsbe lynch train is suspicious to me (some more than others). I can guarantee there's some Protoss in that group. Protoss players knew Astro was scum and should they have prevailed in switching the lynch over to Nickels they could have easily blamed Nickels' play and said something like "It's better that we know now instead on having suspicions all game". This brings me to the last minute play of Wonk:

Wonktonodi said:
Conegamer said:
Wonktonodi said:

you're vote isn't on either of them( yes neither is mine)

if you had to vote for one who would it be?

Probably Nickelsbe. After all he had my vote up until an hour or so ago. 

Astrogamer has been a little unfortunate I feel. But not defending himself concerns me too, so if either of them are lunched, I'm not going to complain. 

then do it.

Vote Nickle

This seems like scum making a last effort to save his partner from death. I could be suspicious of Conegamer too but he reacted the right way by not wanting to create a tie, he had the opportunity to create a No Lynch and he didn't take it.

So yeah:

Vote: Wonktonodi

Signature goes here!