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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What About A Nintendo + Microsoft Alliance

Goatseye said:
MoHasanie said:
I would love for that to happen but I think Sony and Nintendo are a better match for each other.

I guess it all depends on which consoles you prefer better. If you like PS exclusives better yeah Sony/Nintendo but if MS exclusives are your favs, deinitely MS/Nints will be your thing.

I love platformers so I plan on getting WiiU sometime down the road. Also, I love FPS, TPS, Racing and Arcade games so I'm definitely covered with an Xbox console.

I just don't think most Xbox gamers play Nintendo games. They're more interested in FPS's and mature games which Nintendo hardly makes. But a partnership with Nintendo would actually perfect for MS, since it can help them appeal to more gamers in Japan and more children. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

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Ew... the thought of an alliance with microsoft....

MoHasanie said:

I just don't think most Xbox gamers play Nintendo games. They're more interested in FPS's and mature games which Nintendo hardly makes. But a partnership with Nintendo would actually perfect for MS, since it can help them appeal to more gamers in Japan and more children. 

You know that most Xbox players want the return of Rare with their beloved platformers right?

You're a frequent Xbox Empire visitor you know that. I mean Arcade/Indie platformers was a popular thing on Xbox 360 before it was a hipster thing to brag about.

Xbox brand only owns a major FPS ip, Halo. That's it.

If you look at X360 top ten best seller and compare it to PS3's you'll find the latter with more FPSs.

Goatseye said:
MoHasanie said:

I just don't think most Xbox gamers play Nintendo games. They're more interested in FPS's and mature games which Nintendo hardly makes. But a partnership with Nintendo would actually perfect for MS, since it can help them appeal to more gamers in Japan and more children. 

You know that most Xbox players want the return of Rare with their beloved platformers right?

You're a frequent Xbox Empire visitor you know that. I mean Arcade/Indie platformers was a popular thing on Xbox 360 before it was a hipster thing to brag about.

Xbox brand only owns a major FPS ip, Halo. That's it.

If you look at X360 top ten best seller and compare it to PS3's you'll find the latter with more FPSs.

Yes of course xbox players and gamers in general want Rare to make good games again. Rare used to make fantastic games and for years now all they've made is Kinect games. 

That's true but platformers sell better on playstation. 

You are right about the last point but in terms of exclusives, Xbox has more FPSs compared to Playstation. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

MoHasanie said:

Yes of course xbox players and gamers in general want Rare to make good games again. Rare used to make fantastic games and for years now all they've made is Kinect games. 

That's true but platformers sell better on playstation. 

You are right about the last point but in terms of exclusives, Xbox has more FPSs compared to Playstation. 

Xbox has Halo and multi-plats which are also on PS.

PS has Socom, Resistance, Killzone plus the multi-plats.

Am I missing something here?

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Seece said:
Normchacho said:
I fail to see the benefit for Nintendo here...why not just wait for MS to sputter out and stop making consoles? If things don't turn around for the One that's a real possibility.

Nintendo is a strong brand that has just lost focus. All they need to do is make sure they get the next console right (and keep the wiiU steady) and they'll be fine.

Xbox is a weak brand who's only major success game from big mistakes by Sony and focusing on just the US.

MS needs Nintendo way more than Nintendo need them and I think Nintendo knows it.

That's wrong tho. MS doesn't need videogames full stop, so if they were to pitter out they could just fesibly completely abandon the market or go third party happily. Not that I think Nintendo needs MS either, an alliance would certainly benefit Nintendo more however.

In fact I'm not really sure what it would offer MS?

It lets them stay in the console business with almost none of the burden of staying in the console business (though Soundwave's plan had them still putting up a fair bit of cash for the affair to take on joint cost of running the thing). The administrative burden falls on Nintendo, and Microsoft just has to put up some of their infrastructure and their brand-name and watch Nintendo do the work.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Getting Windows 9 on Nintendo next-gen handhelds would be a huge win for MS, their stockholders would react very happily to such news.

The mobile/cloud OS is far more important to MS than game consoles. Their shareholders don't give a crap about game consoles. Peanuts. 

That's what Nintendo and microsoft needs just more confusion and add internal struggle to the equation and you have a recipe for Sony total domination

Bet reminder: I bet with Tboned51 that Splatoon won't reach the 1 million shipped mark by the end of 2015. I win if he loses and I lose if I lost.

Sure, we will unite our MS and Nintendo armies and attack through the valley and destroy their oil reserves, siege the city and kill all the women and children.

Gaming supremacy shall be ours.

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

Teeqoz said:
Does anyone know if Nintendo has a buy-out defense in place?

Old Man Yamauchi was their buyout defense, in that he was one of the largest individual shareholders with a lot of influence over others. Since he passed, Nintendo spent a lot buying up many of his shares.

Plus Japanese companies very rarely get bought out in hostile takeovers. That's why you get more partnerships like Square Enix, Bandai Namco, Tecmo Koei.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.