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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Pachter: "There is no place for Nintendo hardware". Thoughts?

He is 100% correct, atleast when it comes to home consoles. They could just release their software and controllers for other systems.

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they would obviously sell more games that way,
people who would buy a wii u just for nitendo games would buy them on other platforms and people who have interest in some of their games, but not enough to buy a console only for them could also buy them

Pachter actually making some sense

Even without own console hardware Nintendo wouldn't have to ditch their whole hardware section.

They could offer high profitable accessories optimized for Nintendo games on PS4/XBO/PC/iPad/Android.
Wiimotes, Nunchuks, Pro Controllers compatible for these systems to get the most out of these games and the "real" Nintendo experience. Sold in bundles with the games or separately.

It worked for Guitar Hero / Rock Band some years, why shouldn't it work for Nintendo games on other systems?

Conina said:
Even without own console hardware Nintendo wouldn't have to ditch their whole hardware section.

They could offer high profitable accessories optimized for Nintendo games on PS4/XBO/PC/iPad/Android.
Wiimotes, Nunchuks, Pro Controllers compatible for these systems to get the most out of these games and the "real" Nintendo experience. Sold in bundles with the games or separately.

It worked for Guitar Hero / Rock Band some years, why shouldn't it work for Nintendo games on other systems?

Absolutely the Guitar Hero franchise made more than $2 billion. They could continue their gaming vision without their own console. And they would have to invest money in developing new consoles either.

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AWESOME!!! Everyone knows every time he talks shit on Nintendo, they wind up selling on an upswing. Keep it coming Mike!

Well i think there is more place for Nintendo than for microsoft

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


In the consumers point of view, I think it would be better if Nintendo left the hardware market and produced their games to the other consoles and PC. We wouldn't have to buy multiple consoles and we could still play their games, in addition to Sony's and/or Microsoft's, and the third parties that are not on Nintendo consoles. The only threat when one of these companies goes third party is the possible reduction in the competition in the hardware market. But honestly, I don't think Nintendo is contributing a lot to this competition.

When considering Nintendo's point of view, the answer is not so obvious. I would say that going third party would be the best solution, unless they have a good idea for a new piece of hardware. For instance, if they could create a hybrid console-handheld, which considerably differentiated from the competition and was able to combine the strengths of consoles and handhelds, while strongly appealing to kids, they might be able to succeed. If they continue doing what they're doing now, then I think they're going to sink.

Ahh that Michael Patcher... When will you ever learn to stop underestimating Nintendo you Patcher.

I would love to see incomplete Nintendo games over 40gb with limited gameplay mechanics, no charm, patches that make the game even more broken, lost save files and forced micro transactions and DLC that should have been in the original game. NINTENDO SHOULD GO THIRD PARTY FOSHO!