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RCTjunkie said:
Can I be Groot, or do I have to make up a person?

If you can give me a human background of how you'd become a talking tree, I'd accept you without problems.

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Name: Groot
Surname: Groot

Age: 53
Motto*: "I am Groot"

Physical build: (Can be a picture of the character, a description or both)

Background: "An extraterrestrial, sentient tree-like creature, Groot originally (was a human, but abducted and transformed into a tree-like monster and had no recolection of his human form) appeared as an invader that intended to capture humans for experimentation." He met up with Rocket shortly after the invasion failed, and went on many adventures with him, and later, Star Lord and his gang to become the Guardians of the Galaxy. Not much else is known about Groot on account of the only words he can say are "I am Groot" in that order.

How did T.E.C.H. convinced you to join?: After his adventures with Star-Lord, Groot gained an appreciation for the human race and decided to help save humanity. His strength and tree-like structure will be helpful for both eliminating aliens as well as rebuilding the nature aspect of civilization.



· A Compass-shaped artifact.

Character traits:

· Super Strength


· Various tree-like abilities that allow size-shift, defense, and light in dark areas

  • Surprisingly intelligent, but only through actions, not words

Likes*: Trees, humans, raccoons, flowers, innocence, his friends

Extra info*: He is still mourning the death of his friend Rocket, so he will be sad and not be of too much help at the beginning.

Hope I'm not too late on the clock bandwagon.

jk take your time xD

RCTjunkie said:


You still need to carry the artifact, though :P

Wright said:
RCTjunkie said:


You still need to carry the artifact, though :P

Are we okay, now? :)

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RCTjunkie said:

Are we okay, now? :)

Good, you're getting into the ship too!

Nicklesbe said:

No worries. It's Hylian right? I know during the end of WoW's FE mafia game he had started college and got some action in the form of a new GF so he may be delayed some.

This. This right here. He got it.


Seriously though, I'm 95% done now. My profile will be up within the hour.

Sorry for the wait everyone. And sorry I don't have a picture. I've no idea how I would get one, and can't draw to save my life.


NAME: Maxwell


NICK*: Max

AGE: 26

MOTTO*: Everything in moderation



Max stands 5’11” tall, weighing in at roughly 150 pounds. He has a thin but toned figure, with a fair complexion and soft features. His hair is short and wavy, with a light brown that in the right light looks blond. His eyes are hazel with specks of amber and gold visible in sunlight, with dark circles underneath from many sleepless nights spent reading and researching. He wears glasses integrated with advanced technology. Following a certain traumatic incident, he lost his lower legs and had them replaced by advanced robotic ones.




Max goes by Max. He will never introduce himself as Maxwell, and will avoid mentioning it if at all possible. Calling him Maxwell, even in jest, is a quick way to irritate him. Max is the adopted son of Douglas and Leslie Irving, an infertile high class couple that only adopted him to keep up appearances. Though they weren’t particularly affectionate, they spared no expense in his education, going to great lengths to let him explore whatever subject he wished, and he took full advantage of this. He is shy and withdrawn, though by no means anti-social or terribly awkward. He has significant trust issues resulting from a lifetime of limited positive human interaction, a poor relationship with his adoptive parents, and a traumatic period of his life. Said trauma has left him fairly cynical of the world, but not to the point of misanthropy. He has an adventurous spirit, an intense love of learning, and can be somewhat impulsive. He is very analytical and logical, but also sensitive and emotional, and is known to let his emotions control him at times.




Max spent most of his young life pursuing his education, of which he had endless opportunities thanks to his parent’s wealth. His boundless curiosity and inquisitive nature led him to want to explore anything and everything, but his impatience and ADD led to him having to short an attention span to stay with any one subject for long before wanting to move to another. His analytical mind kept him interested in philosophy much longer, however, helping him to clearly define his beliefs about the world. In particular, he identified with Aristotle’s concept of the golden mean, the idea that with all things there is a desirable middle between two extremes. He applies this to all areas of his life. It drove him to continue his method of study to become very well-rounded, a jack-of-all-trades. It defines his outlook on life, giving him a healthy, realist balance between pragmatism and idealism. It defines his ethics, in that he believes that any realist must accept that violence is at least sometimes the answer, though not desirable. It defines his politics, leading him towards the center on most issues. He settled on his religious beliefs this way as well, choosing to neither outright reject the concept of God nor dive headlong into faith. He identifies as an agnostic theist, though his understanding of God is certainly colored by his parents’ Anglican background. Despite his focus on moderation, he interests did lead him to focus more on science than the humanities. In the end, he found his golden mean between the two in psychology, one of the few subjects he pursued to a graduate level of depth. Outside of some musical skill and a knack for creative writing, he has almost no skill with art whatsoever, and left that portion of academia relatively unexplored.

Outside of purely academic subjects, his love of science fiction and fantasy drove him to study some more practical hands-on subjects he thought would be suitable for adventuring. He learned basic survival skills, proficiency in a variety of martial arts, and piloting aircraft. He received weapon training with various projectile, energy based, and melee weapons. He was particularly fascinated by archery and swordsmanship. He also took an interest in horseback riding, tracking, hunting, spelunking, escapology, strategy, electronics, robotics, computers, hacking, and anything he felt gave him a connection to the heroes he saw in fantasy and science fiction books.

His high class home, relatively absent parents, and thirst for knowledge led him to be very withdrawn and shy. He had little need to ever leave his manor, as anything that interested him was brought to him. He’s not without social skills, because his parent did see to it that he was given an education in etiquette, and he was raised to be a gentleman. This doesn’t mean he’s a prude or a snob, though, as most of his knowledge of peer interaction came from his friendship with a poor girl from a family that lived nearby, one of his few childhood friends. She had to steal to survive, and thus was quite good at sneaking past security. It was from her that Max learned what he knows of stealth, as they would frequently sneak away together. Most of his understanding of what the world outside of his sheltered life was like came through his time with her. Her name was Samantha Baxter, but she went by Sam. He became close to her and her family, and helped Sam sneak things from the kitchen for them. His parents, nor any of the servants, had any idea that he ever left the estate.




 In August of his 18th year, he was away from the manor with the Baxter family when his manor was attacked by a local mafia. This resulted in a complete hostile takeover of his estate by the mafia and a bounty put on his head. The Baxter family took him in and helped to hide him. Over the next several years, he learned how to survive on the streets, under the guidance of Sam. In return, he did everything he could to provide for his new family. Eventually, he began to accept the loss of his manor. He’d never been close to his parents, only to Sam and her family, who he happily lived with. He learned to trust no one but her family, however, as anyone might turn him over to the mafia. He learned to kill during these years, and began to put some of his more practical learnings to good use. He began to long for his old home, however, as well as a longing to better provide for his family, and began vigilante work to take down the mafia. His analytical mind and knowledge of psychology made him an excellent detective, and through cautious work with the rather weak and corrupt local police force, began to strike fear into the mafia as he slowly weakened them, getting them captured and executed one by one. Frequently he took the law into his own hands, and took out mafia members himself. The mafia was hated for its tyrannous grip on the city, and Max became something of a local hero for his efforts, and made a handful of allies. He began planning a siege on his own manor, now the mafia stronghold. His efforts also made him many enemies, naturally, and the mafia increased pressure to find him.

Perhaps it was inevitable, but one day Sam came to him to tell him he was a father. Her parents took the news well. Plans were made to have a wedding when things became safer. Max was overjoyed, but became increasingly paranoid as the days went on. Whereas he had previously trusted Sam to hold her own in the upcoming siege, he now forbid her to be a part. He delayed the siege while he planned around her absence. Meanwhile, a mafia informant that knew the family noticed Sam’s pregnancy, and determined who the father was. Mere weeks before the siege was to happen, the mafia raided the Baxter family’s house in search of him. The family wouldn’t cooperate, and was murdered in cold blood. Max returned home to find his family dead and the house ransacked, including the secret room where he was hidden. Partially because he no longer had a safe place to stay, but mostly in a blind rage at the loss of his family, love, and unborn daughter, he moved the siege to take place the following night. His allies were sympathetic and agreed to the change of plans. That night the group put their plan into action. The plan nearly went off without a hitch, until the man recruited to replace Sam betrayed them, tempted by Max’s bounty. When the dust settled, the stronghold was captured, the traitor executed, but only Max survived, badly wounded and requiring amputation of his lower legs.

Using intelligence gathered from around the stronghold, Max flushed out and killed the remaining mafia members. The city was eternally grateful, and Max finally inherited his home, and was fitted with the best robotic prosthetic legs money could buy. But he felt alone in his manor, even after rehiring new servants to care for the estate. He shut himself away and became a recluse, resuming his studies. Until, that is, T.E.C.H. came to his door. It didn’t take much persuading to get Max to go with them. They were impressed with his diverse skill set, they told him, but more importantly, they had determined that he was affected by the spaceship’s energy. With his fascination with science fiction, he was immediately interested in joining them, and with his family and friends all dead, and his home only a source of bittersweet memories now, he had no reason to stay anymore. Hearing about the mission to stop an alien menace was only icing on the cake, reassuring him that this was where he belonged now. He had always been fascinated by the spaceship, and everything about T.E.C.H.’s mission seemed to resonate with him. He collected a few keepsakes, some technology he thought would serve him well on his journey, and set out with the T.E.C.H. agents.



· A Compass-shaped artifact. 

· T.E.C.H.’s self-defense Stunt Rods.

·  Custom tech glasses, capable of thermal vision, x-ray vision, and scanning technology. The scanning technology works with an internet database to scan and identify objects in the environment and give all sorts of information about them. They’re also equipped with targeting reticules that assist his aim with ranged weapons. Very durable, water proof, power surge resistant, EMP resistant, and able to operate in a huge temperature range, these glasses will probably outlast Max.

-A custom sonic weapon that fires an intense beam of infrasound. When fired at a target, it can cause a variety of effects depending on the intensity, anything from a vague sense of dread to actually causing the head or internal organs to explode.

-A golden locket. This locket is the Baxter family heirloom, handed down to Sam when she turned 10. Max and Sam engraved their initials into it, and placed their pictures inside. Max’s most prized possession. He’ll kill for it.



· The ability to kill monsters from outer space.

· The ability to manipulate strange energy.

· Reasonably high intelligence, bordering on but not quite genius

- Jack-of-all-trades, better than your average Joe at most things due to high intelligence, a huge variety of interests, and the means and education to pursue them all, but has mastered very little due to his relatively short attention span

 -Just to give an idea of the extent of his education, in academic subjects he has roughly the equivalent of 30 college credits of every major science, 21 credits of major humanities subjects, and 60 credits of psychology and philosophy. His prowess in the medical field is slightly above an LPN.

-His robotic legs increase his endurance, running speed, jumping ability, and kick strength, as well as having a strong positive effect on his piloting ability. He can perform complex evasive maneuvers with ease because blood cannot rush to his legs from g-forces during these maneuvers. He has enough knowledge and skill in robotics to repair damage to these legs. The legs are fully articulate and completely silent. They’re covered in an artificial skin. The effect is convincing enough that no one would be able to tell the legs were robotic just by looking.

-His martial arts skills are enough that he could win in any fight with an untrained opponent, no matter how large. He is skilled at escaping grabs. He is at a black belt equivalent with over two dozen martial arts. In unarmed combat he focuses on kicks using his powerful legs, as well a variety of grappling techniques. In armed melee combat he is skilled with swords, sticks (like the T.E.C.H. stun rods), and polearms. With ranged weapons, he is skilled with bows and crossbows, pistols, and semi-auto rifles.






-Science fiction and fantasy

-Courage, confidence, generosity, modesty, etc.


 -Cowardice, rashness, timidity, arrogance, stinginess, wastefulness, vanity, prudishness, etc.



None yet.

So far my favorite profiles are Nymeria's and Dr. Henry Killinger's. Cool characters, guys!

I tried to make mine a little more readable with spacing and clear section headers. Hope you guys don't mind the length.

How Katya use's Razor Wire:

Razor Floss
He is not a seamstress.


"The softest thing in the world dashes against and overcomes the hardest; that which has no [substantial] existence enters where there is no crevice."
— Lao-tzuTao Te Ching


Razor floss is when any long, thin material — string, thread, fine wire, etc — is used as a weapon with Absurd Cutting Power. Odd as it may sound, strings can become deadly weapons in the right hands. Besides restraining enemies and even controlling other people's bodies against their will, or triggering traps, they can be pretty handy for cutting. In many works of fiction, one skilled enough, can use strings to cut opponents or even boulders, without hurting themselves. Naturally, monsters of the humanoid arachnid variety can usually be counted on to be using this trope.


Fantasy settings generally have this type of string made of human hair, while in more modern ones it's probablymonomolecular wire. In series less reliant on the Rule of Cool, the wire usually manifests as garrotes or tripwires, with varyingly messy outcomes.


What the audience sees usually amounts to Sword Lines sans the sword. Can be counted on to inflict an absurdly Clean Cut on its victims.


In reality, cables and metal wires can be used to inflict not so clean but still pretty nasty wounds, provided they are of the right material and/or sufficient force is applied.


Compare Whip Sword and Killer Yoyo. Subtrope of Absurd Cutting Power.

How Katya uses energy sheild:

 Projectiles are deflected around her, but this means that her shield can't protect others because it deflects the bullets behind her.

Lasers are also deflected, but more tha 4 direct hits will short it out, and it will have to recharge. A strong enough projectile like a tank shell, explosion, or rail gun, can knock it out instantly.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank