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Name: Groot
Surname: Groot

Age: 53
Motto*: "I am Groot"

Physical build: (Can be a picture of the character, a description or both)

Background: "An extraterrestrial, sentient tree-like creature, Groot originally (was a human, but abducted and transformed into a tree-like monster and had no recolection of his human form) appeared as an invader that intended to capture humans for experimentation." He met up with Rocket shortly after the invasion failed, and went on many adventures with him, and later, Star Lord and his gang to become the Guardians of the Galaxy. Not much else is known about Groot on account of the only words he can say are "I am Groot" in that order.

How did T.E.C.H. convinced you to join?: After his adventures with Star-Lord, Groot gained an appreciation for the human race and decided to help save humanity. His strength and tree-like structure will be helpful for both eliminating aliens as well as rebuilding the nature aspect of civilization.



· A Compass-shaped artifact.

Character traits:

· Super Strength


· Various tree-like abilities that allow size-shift, defense, and light in dark areas

  • Surprisingly intelligent, but only through actions, not words

Likes*: Trees, humans, raccoons, flowers, innocence, his friends

Extra info*: He is still mourning the death of his friend Rocket, so he will be sad and not be of too much help at the beginning.