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Forums - Gaming Discussion - VGC's Roleplaying game: Rules, Setting and Profiles

Central European Time Zone. School stuff could sometimes be stressful, but I should be able to check the thread every day.

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Eastern United States Time Zone, five or six hours behind Europe.




Ready to get started!

So there will be 8 characters. 4 are OC and the other 4 are from Marvel and Capcom (Resident Evil, to be precise).

Around the Network

I'm here too :D
6 and a half hours behind Spain if I recall.

Bet with bluedawgs: I say Switch will outsell PS4 in 2018, he says PS4 will outsell Switch. He's now permabanned, but the bet will remain in my sig.

NNID: Slarvax - Steam: Slarvax - Friend Code:  SW 7885-0552-5988

padib said:


Name: Harold Arnaldio

Surname: Amadeus

Nick*: HappyFeet

Age: 49

Motto*: Ever heard of Murphy's law?


Physical build:

Slender, middle-aged man. Was much stronger in his younger years, but lost tremendous weight after becoming physically impared. Wears glasses.

Often drools and has a deformed figure due to paralysis. Is homely a man. Harold is pale due to lack of sunlight.

With limited movement, he lacks hygene and suffers from greasy skin, greasy hair and skin outbursts (pimples). Also due to a lack of hygene, he also harshly smells of body odour.

 To make matters worse, Harold also suffers from for both urinary and fecal incontinence.


Psychological profile:

Raised a charismatic Christian, Harold lost his faith at the age of 31. Though he could recite most verses in the bible and could understand them in a very practical way, he was unable to marry the events that took place in his life that year with the existence of God.

Sadly, in the process, he also became very sour and bitter against anything positive or friendly, and in late years became quite the cynical soul.

He now is a firm believer that this world came about without God, to him this is a certainty beyond any certainty. To him, anyone who believes the contrary is an idiot.



The accident

In the back seat of a family SUV, Harold was cuddling his daughter to sleep. The family was returning from a holiday road trip, his father at the wheel and his mother in navigator role, singing worship songs of joy and of love in Jesus. As the car made its way around a blind mountain highway turn, a large truck obstructed the passage. Due to the cargo truck's high velocity and the family SUV following the speed limit, the family car was nicked just enough to make it stand on its right wheels and double over. In a glimpse, the car had bashed against the guard rail and came to a halt, roof on road, totalled and idle on the shoulder (service lane).

What seemed like hours later, Harold awoke upside down with a major bloodrush to his head. His first thought was to unbuckle himself and lunge over to his daughter to see if she was okay. It took him only a few moments to realize that that cold feelind across his body wasn't a winter cold. He lay there for minutes which seemed to last hours, in agony and despair, overwhelmed by his helplessness and worthlessness in the midst of the wreckage and tragedy. He could only assume the worst had happened, since he had no way to actually find out: that his most loved ones were all hopelessly dead.

When he realized he was unable to speak, he drooled the most bubbling drool in anger towards God, shaking what inner fists and rage he had at the almighty above.

Moments later, the ambulance arrived. "If only they'd left me to die."

Those were Harold's last thoughts as he fainted upon the shoves of the paramedics to get him on the stretcher.


Something in the chair

It had been 18 years since the tragedy. Harold was going about his day as usual.

His uniform: Pyjamas and slippers, of course his wheelchair, and his glasses. Not to forget a cup of coffee prepared by his personal nurse. In Quebec, social services are bountiful, but Harold did not care.

Channel 13, per a usual calendar day, the news aired and played the ever tiresome dread that happened in the world of Earth. There was nothing special in the world, after the reports of alien invasions that lead to nothing factual, and conspiracies about energy surges. After stories like those turning to nothing but filthy propagandy, whatever small glimpse of interest that may have picked Harold's mind had abandoned him for good, he was completely and hopelessly jaded of anything happening in the world around him.

One night, the nurse forgot to put him in his bed to sleep and left him on the wheelchair for the night. Annoyed, Harold slowly fell asleep, though mostly half-asleep due to the upward position. It's true he could not feel mostly anything, but something about his hand being up while sleeping made it difficult. He ignored the details of it but he just wasn't sleeping right. Maybe it just made him feel more miserable. Bah, he didn't know nor care.

Throughout the night, however an indistinguishable buzzing sound came from his chair. Glaring at the corner of the room, Harold felt like he could see the reflection of some kind of blue sparks originating from his chair. The lights fluctuated throughout the night, but at some points he was almost afraid it was bigger than he could see.


How did T.E.C.H. convinced you to join?*:

Harold was not convinced to join T.E.C.H. He was abducted.



· A Compass-shaped artifact.

 · T.E.C.H.’s self-defense Stunt Rods.

· A wheelchair

 . Glasses

. PJs and slippers

. A dispoable tim hortons coffee cup.

. Some bags in the wheelchair's compartment area under the seat, mostly dirty tissues and a tv remote (the nurse must have forgotten to put it back in place).

Character traits:

· The ability to kill monsters from outer space.


· The ability to manipulate strange energy.

· Long lost theory from early trade years in auto mechanics.

. Long lost theory from early interests in electronics and early computers. Has not touched interest since accident.


Likes*: ...

Dislikes*: dogs, nurses, TV, conspiracy theories, religious myths, happy people, life, other people, sad people, himself,  and pretty much everything in between. And most of all, God and the bible.


Extra info*: PJs and slippers

This'll be fun


In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

The duck!?!?!? Steven Hawking?!?!!?

Bet with Xander XT: 

I can beat more games on his 3DS than he can on my PSVita in a month. Loser has to buy the winner a game on his/her handheld Guess who won?


spurgeonryan said:
Jesus! I am halfway through your rule book! Like reading War and Peace written by a Spaniard!

It's hard is it? It only only took me 45 minutes to make mine. Then again, I'm using a pre-established character.....

I'm sorry about that, I was awake at 2:30 during that time.