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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Prediction: WII U Will Still be Ahead of XBOX One in 2017

eva01beserk said:
Seece said:
Yet another one of these threads that is going to look super silly in a matter of weeks.

WiiU won't be ahead ever again come this holiday.

As silly as your thread that got necropumped?

You should really stop talking like if this is a math problem with only one outcome and only you know the answer. Anything can happen. I know this thread sounds a little ridicuolous, since we have to wait till E3 to really see next years line up. The wii u has less thing going for it this holiday season, but the x1 has one big negative, that i going head to head with the ps4 and has been loosing 3:1 to it, so yea I think the wii u can slip right by. The games coming out are great and the bundles being offered by nintendo are way better than MS.

You mean the thread that is 100% correct that Xb1 hasn't fallen to wii u levels yet for some reason people who are incapable of simple reasoning believe it has?

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ExplodingBlock said:
Seece said:
ShyGuy322 said:
I don't understand why people think the XB1 is going to sell like crazy this holiday. It had a nice launch but sales have been abysmal since then, even after Titanfall and a 25% price cut. There just isn't much consumer interest in it outside of NA, a market it is losing.

Nobody thinks it's going to sell like crazy, just better than WiiU. Which by comparison has done awful pretty much all its life. Even the MK boost (which is a far far bigger property than Titanfall) did naff all for sales.

That and not all is as seems here.

XB1 has outshipped WiiU every Q it's been out, and will continue to so going forward.

Ya ya Mk literally did nothing for Wii U and by nothing I mean doubling the baseline and outselling XB1 every week of summer and so on

Any reasonable person knows that's not true.

logisticalnightmare said:
eva01beserk said:
Seece said:
Yet another one of these threads that is going to look super silly in a matter of weeks.

WiiU won't be ahead ever again come this holiday.

As silly as your thread that got necropumped?

You should really stop talking like if this is a math problem with only one outcome and only you know the answer. Anything can happen. I know this thread sounds a little ridicuolous, since we have to wait till E3 to really see next years line up. The wii u has less thing going for it this holiday season, but the x1 has one big negative, that i going head to head with the ps4 and has been loosing 3:1 to it, so yea I think the wii u can slip right by. The games coming out are great and the bundles being offered by nintendo are way better than MS.

You mean the thread that is 100% correct that Xb1 hasn't fallen to wii u levels yet for some reason people who are incapable of simple reasoning believe it has?

Yes that very thread. the one that says that all the people who make a living on this site, other sites that do the same and companies whos sole purpose is to track sales of products are all wrong just because it dosent agree with seece.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

eva01beserk said:
logisticalnightmare said:
eva01beserk said:
Seece said:
Yet another one of these threads that is going to look super silly in a matter of weeks.

WiiU won't be ahead ever again come this holiday.

As silly as your thread that got necropumped?

You should really stop talking like if this is a math problem with only one outcome and only you know the answer. Anything can happen. I know this thread sounds a little ridicuolous, since we have to wait till E3 to really see next years line up. The wii u has less thing going for it this holiday season, but the x1 has one big negative, that i going head to head with the ps4 and has been loosing 3:1 to it, so yea I think the wii u can slip right by. The games coming out are great and the bundles being offered by nintendo are way better than MS.

You mean the thread that is 100% correct that Xb1 hasn't fallen to wii u levels yet for some reason people who are incapable of simple reasoning believe it has?

Yes that very thread. the one that says that all the people who make a living on this site, other sites that do the same and companies whos sole purpose is to track sales of products are all wrong just because it dosent agree with seece.

Tell me oh wise one, how many wii us are in Canada? Mexico? Puerto Rico? Brazil? South Africa? India? Spain? Romania? Iceland? Greenland? Ireland? Russia? Oh, you have no information on any of those? You must be talking out of your ass then. Fact is, we get no information on numbers except for the major players. That leaves ALOT of room for error

logisticalnightmare said:
eva01beserk said:
logisticalnightmare said:

You mean the thread that is 100% correct that Xb1 hasn't fallen to wii u levels yet for some reason people who are incapable of simple reasoning believe it has?

Yes that very thread. the one that says that all the people who make a living on this site, other sites that do the same and companies whos sole purpose is to track sales of products are all wrong just because it dosent agree with seece.

Tell me oh wise one, how many wii us are in Canada? Mexico? Puerto Rico? Brazil? South Africa? India? Spain? Romania? Iceland? Greenland? Ireland? Russia? Oh, you have no information on any of those? You must be talking out of your ass then. Fact is, we get no information on numbers except for the major players. That leaves ALOT of room for error

Are you really asking me that, but not applying it to yours or seece's arguments? Well this just prooves that its pointless to try and make you see a diferent point of view. Do you really think his estimate is better and is not applicable to those errors you mentioned? Tell me from where did seece get those numbers? Did he survey the major markets himself? Is seece able to see mistakes that multy billion dollar companies cant? If so they should hire him right now. 

Im not the one making assuptions here, just denying others wich is much easy. Seece has no way to get that information as well and the number he uses that are available are the same numbers ioi uses to update the site. So there really is no reason I should take his word over the sites word now, is it? Its fine if you do, but be ready for critizisim when you go agaist the most trusted information.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

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KoopaKid said:
Seece said:
Yet another one of these threads that is going to look super silly in a matter of weeks.

WiiU won't be ahead ever again come this holiday.

Would you like to make a bet ill take wii u you take Xbox  winner stays loser gets perma banned and can't return? Since you said this holiday whoever is ahead at.the end of this holiday right:)

No offense but why would a prominent member of this site like Seece take a perma bet with someone like you?

Anyway Xbox will easily outsell the Wii U for the rest of the year (Starting sometime in September) 

Seece said:
Yet another one of these threads that is going to look super silly in a matter of weeks.

WiiU won't be ahead ever again come this holiday.

You mean just like your 'why do people believe X1 will drop to WiiU lvl sales' from march?

At least he calls it prediction, and doesn't act like its a fact.

I've said it from the beginning, even when Wii U's sales were abysmal with no competition back in early 2013; I don't see a scenario in which the Xbone edges out the Wii U. And if it does, it will be because Nintendo cuts the lifespan short to 4 years or something, and third parties keep riding the Xbone (heheh) for 8 years like they have the 360. Difference is, 360 has been a much bigger success thus far and I don't see Xbone being nearly as appealing for these third parties going forward. Moreso than last gen, PS4 is canibalising the Xbox market, and this time, Sony's machine is much more competitively priced, AND did not release a year later. 

Europe (minus the UK) is not big on MS, and they are still non existant in Japan.  They are really only relevent in the US market, and even there their marketshare is shrinking in a shrinking market. Nintendo has many more big guns, and more importantly, EXSLUSIVE guns. While Nintendo has sort of regressed back to the weird quirky Japanese style Gamecube type games that don't quite have the Wii-type sales appeal, these franchises are still bigger than many MS games. The big Xbone titles that DO exist, you can also find on PS4.

I think Wii U will edge out the Xbone by a few million units. It'll be Gamecube vs Xbox again, except the roles will be reversed. 


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden

Seece said:
Yet another one of these threads that is going to look super silly in a matter of weeks.

WiiU won't be ahead ever again come this holiday.

Xbox will.take second eventually but not this holiday so your the one whos going to look silly

Seece said:
Yet another one of these threads that is going to look super silly in a matter of weeks.

WiiU won't be ahead ever again come this holiday.

You know what?  I think that the Wii U is actually going to outsell the XBox One this holiday.  

We shall see though.  We shall see.

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Tag "Sorry man. Someone pissed in my Wheaties."

"There are like ten games a year that sell over a million units."  High Voltage CEO -  Eric Nofsinger