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I've said it from the beginning, even when Wii U's sales were abysmal with no competition back in early 2013; I don't see a scenario in which the Xbone edges out the Wii U. And if it does, it will be because Nintendo cuts the lifespan short to 4 years or something, and third parties keep riding the Xbone (heheh) for 8 years like they have the 360. Difference is, 360 has been a much bigger success thus far and I don't see Xbone being nearly as appealing for these third parties going forward. Moreso than last gen, PS4 is canibalising the Xbox market, and this time, Sony's machine is much more competitively priced, AND did not release a year later. 

Europe (minus the UK) is not big on MS, and they are still non existant in Japan.  They are really only relevent in the US market, and even there their marketshare is shrinking in a shrinking market. Nintendo has many more big guns, and more importantly, EXSLUSIVE guns. While Nintendo has sort of regressed back to the weird quirky Japanese style Gamecube type games that don't quite have the Wii-type sales appeal, these franchises are still bigger than many MS games. The big Xbone titles that DO exist, you can also find on PS4.

I think Wii U will edge out the Xbone by a few million units. It'll be Gamecube vs Xbox again, except the roles will be reversed. 


"We hold these truths to be self-evident - all men and women created by the, go-you know.. you know the thing!" - Joe Biden