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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why The Playstation 4 is Outselling The Xbox One.

BraLoD said:
Wrong, the fact is that even the PS3 is selling more than the XBO this year, no one is bored with the PS3 so are jumping to the PS4, actually, 1/3 of PS4 sales are new PS consumers.

The facts are:
PlayStation is the bigger brand, so it have the the bigger number of possible consumers, PS ever since entered the consoles market have dominated it, and that's it.
PlayStation 4 is more powerful and cheaper (the price is the same now, but being more powerful and having the same price kinda mean it's still cheaper), so any sane people without brand approach will pick it instead of a XBO.
XBOX ONE had a lot of problems with the consumers with their pre-release DRM stuff, and a lot of people lost the trust in them, and that's REALLY a problem to be surpassed and really affect their sales.

That's the major points.

You say the playstation brand has DOMINATED since the first playstation.

The playstation brand went from 75 percent market share with the PS2 to 30 percent with PS3 because of Xbox 360.

I wouldn't call the playstation 3's performance last gen DOMINATING by any measure. 

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Jega, try harder.

Jega said:

And there is the problem. Microsoft is not SEGA, neither is Sony SEGA, Sony and Microsoft have the money to stay in the 

hardware business. If Microsoft or Sony decides to leave the videogame industry, It won't be because of lack of money.

The only thing that I see is that Microsoft is spending more money than sony on exclusive games.

And that is the key factor that will make the Xbox One relevant.

The power difference between the Xbox One and the PS4 is not going to be a deal breaker this gen.

What will be is the games, when people see all these Xbox One exclusive games, and they are not on PS4, people will choose an

Xbox One.

Sunset Overdrive, Quantum Break, Halo 5, Forza Horizon 2, Titanfall and many games to come are the reason people will choose 

an Xbox One over a Playstation 4.

People will not care about 30 percent less resolution or how much frame rates. Just watch and see.

But again, Jega, you're making assumptions.

You're not factoring in the fact that the PS4 has its own exclusive titles, and actually has a WIDER range of titles announced than Xbox One.

You're not factoring in that a console purchase is a long-term investment, and Microsoft failed to show long-term dedication to new and varied IP productions with the Xbox 360, which is a strike against it that is going to take a few years to break loose from.

You're not factoring in the fact that quite a few Xbox One exclusives have, or are in the process of, jumping over to PC, and that Sunset Overdrive and Quantum Break actually have pretty good chances of doing the same, meaning anyone who owns, or ever plans to own, a fairly good computer is going to have less reasons to pick an Xbox One over the PS4. Because right now, if you're a PC gamer, the Xbox One doesn't have NEARLY as many exclusives. o.O

Again. You seem to have made a conclusion based on your personal hopes, i.e. 'The Xbox One WILL Catch Up,' and are now trying to come up with reasons to justify it, rather than looking at the facts we currently have, and THEN making a conclusion.

Zanten, Doer Of The Things

Unless He Forgets In Which Case Zanten, Forgetter Of The Things

Or He Procrascinates, In Which Case Zanten, Doer Of The Things Later

Or It Involves Moving Furniture, in Which Case Zanten, F*** You.

dear Jega, why are you doing this to yourself man?
as to counter your argument, i used to be a ps3 owner but my brother accidentally broke it when i was studying abroad, and not long after that i bought 3DS and Vita to satisfy my desire to play games but that doesn't mean i'm bored of ps3 already. if i have more money i would buy new ps3 anytime i want but since i live in campus i can't bring my ps3 inside it due to my campus restrictions. Thus, only Vita and 3DS are my only companion here.
Same thing goes for xbox360, it has tons of great games and to be honest, i almost bought it too. But ps3 has more exclusives that are more appealing to me like MGS4, Heavenly Sword, Sly Cooper 4, Demon Soul, God of War, Infamous, Uncharted and a lot more.


I'm going to have to agree with most of your critics in this thread, Jega. I just don't buy your reasoning.

PS4 is "winning" because 1) it launched $100 cheaper, 2) it's more powerful than Xbox One, and 3) Sony avoided and, in some cases, capitalized on Microsoft's PR blunders early in this generation. 

As for the conjecture that Xbox 360 owners are more content with their current system and thus less likely to upgrade, I think it's based on specious reasoning. If anything, PS3 owners should be the ones standing pat. Big titles like LittleBigPlanet 3 and Persona 5 are still on the horizon, along with a host of multiplatform games.

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Jega said:
I don't think all the negative press the Xbox One is getting on the internet is the reason the Playstation 4 is outselling the 
Xbox One.
I don't think it is the price either. I think even if the Xbox One lauched at $400 it would still be behind the Playstation 4
maybe by around 2 - 3 million units instead of 5 million.
Microsoft made the mistake that Sony did with the Playstation 3, thinking people would by the system at $500. 
I think many Playstation 3 owners are bored of their Playstation 3 and therefore wanted something new. (Playstation 4)
Xbox 360 owners on the other hand are still happy with their Xbox 360 and is waiting on certain games to come out before they make the
Jump to the next generation. (Call of duty: Advanced Warfare, Halo 5, Gears of War 4)
Titanfall did not make a big impact on console sales because Titanfall is new IP. So many people don't know about Titanfall to warrant a
purchase of the Xbox One. Titanfall is doing well though for a new IP and that is good to see. Over 2 million sold on Xbox One.
Even though Call of duty: Advance Warfare is on the Xbox 360. It is a true next-gen call of duty game (unlike Call of duty: Ghosts) and 
I believe many gamers will buy an Xbox One for this game come november.
So I think in november Xbox One sales will start to increase and finally start to outsell the Playstation 4 in America.
These are just my thoughts.

Everything points to the opposite being true:  360 owners are bored of their 360's.

Aura7541 said:

You really misinterpreted Josiah's comment.

No, he didn't. He deliberately took it as an excuse to go about his usual retoric that has little to do with any issues brought up. "MS has money, MS has exclusives..." Jega is pretending his OP hasn't been torn to shreds.

Jega said:

 My thing is if the PS3 came from behind and caught up to Xbox 360, why can't the same happen the the Xbox One.


No, it's not "your thing". What you're saying here is completely different from the OP.  If you want to make click-baity threads at least have the balls to stick up to what you post.


PS3 went to 30% because of PS3. Not Xbox 360. It was $599.99 freaking dollars.

Wagram said:
PS3 went to 30% because of PS3. Not Xbox 360. It was $599.99 freaking dollars.

Kaz Harai is a living legend.

Jega said:

My thing is if the PS3 came from behind and caught up to Xbox 360, why can't the same happen the the Xbox One.

No matter how many people want the Xbox One to die off and go away it simply won't happen.

I will have fun this generation watching Microsoft take marketshare just like last generation.

No offense homeboy but you are clueless..