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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Do you have interest in/like ANY nintendo game?

160rmf said:

I have seen so many people saying that don't have playing on a nintendo console since NES or SNES and they are fine missing SOME nintendo games. They are now with PS/MS consoles and they never "looked back" because Nintendo didn't do anything do caught their attention once again and the reasons are:

No third party support (even when some series are suffering a quality decline)

Graphics (even when the difference are some pixels, particles and textures rendering)

No voice acting

No violence, blood, etc...

Too many cartoonish characters


And i ask myself... what about the game?! Did you played? Watched the gameplay? Because I found these reasons so futile, that i don't even know if some of you are really serious. When you don't play a nintendo console you are not only missing a bunch of platformer games. Instead of turning your back when you see the nintendo logo (or mario's hat), you should see the game and when i say "see" i am not talking about the visuals aspects


Note: I am not talking only about Wii U since i mentioned NES and SNES, nintendo portable consoles are consoles too :)

I obviously like Nintendo games, but I beleive, at least on the home front, since I don't buy any handhelds after the GBASP,  that games I played either changed to little or changed to much.

Paper Mario Sticker Star and Super Paper Mario can't compare to Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door or the Original, my favorite Mario series.

Melee was the perfect smash game, Brawl could only be worse, and Bros for Wii U seems better than Brawl but worse than Melee. 

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

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I always love the cartoony and whimsical feel of a lot of Nintendo games, its the reason I keep going back. Nintendo always manages to make games that manage to hit it home for me.

"I think it will be the HDS"-Me in regards to Nintendo's next handheld.

I thought I would like LoZ, I wanted to like LoZ, then I played OoT 3DS and thought wtf!?! Why do people think this very ordinary game is the best game evah? Perhaps something was lost in translation and I would have actually liked it if I'd played it on GC.

LoZ was the only Nintendo franchise that really interested me and now not even that interests me.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


"i dont like nintendo consoles because I have to feel cool like the appearantly other cool kids around me and I have to compensate something by playing games made for people of age 18-21+"

This is what all the 13 year olds say you meet in online matches once you ask them.

Btw reminds me of this:

I stopped playing mainstream third party games when I turned 18 as I stopped playing around with firecrackers when the shit was finally legal for me to use. i grew out of this pseudo mature stuff.  All games I play now are niche titles. I do still play games like Borderlands tho because they are "special" compared to the other stuff.

binary solo said:
I thought I would like LoZ, I wanted to like LoZ, then I played OoT 3DS and thought wtf!?! Why do people think this very ordinary game is the best game evah? Perhaps something was lost in translation and I would have actually liked it if I'd played it on GC.

LoZ was the only Nintendo franchise that really interested me and now not even that interests me.

It was on the N64, not Gamecube. I'm not exactly sure how you find it more ordinary than other games. I played on 3ds. It's not my favorite game ever, but it's definitely up there. 

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DerNebel said:
160rmf said:
DerNebel said:
One could basically make this thread about any of the big 3, people are almost always shying away from certain games for reasons that don't always have to make sense.

If you have a list with stupid reasons that people do on every Sony or MS thread... then go ahead

All just grey and brown shooters

More movies than games

Too much violence

Too much realism

That's pretty much from the top of my head, but I can't be bothered to make a thread about it, I really don't care that much.

indeed, you don't even bothered to separated the stupid reasons for ms platforms and sony platforms



We reap what we sow

I love Nintendo games and I don't mind the reasons you mentioned.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

160rmf said:

indeed, you don't even bothered to separated the stupid reasons for ms platforms and sony platforms

tbh, they're both doing about the same things right now.

mZuzek said:
binary solo said:
I thought I would like LoZ, I wanted to like LoZ, then I played OoT 3DS and thought wtf!?! Why do people think this very ordinary game is the best game evah? Perhaps something was lost in translation and I would have actually liked it if I'd played it on GC.

LoZ was the only Nintendo franchise that really interested me and now not even that interests me.

I'll get some hate for saying this, but Ocarina of Time is the worst place for you to start playing Zelda. That game has horrible pacing and the beginning is extremely boring - it only ever gets good after about a third of the whole game.

If you want to try to get into Zelda, I'd recommend beginning with either A Link to the Past or The Wind Waker.

I litterally started with the exact same game OoT:3D, and I am a huge zelda fan now. I just replayed it and I didn't really notice that much of a pacing issue. The beginning is the most boring part, but it's not overly boring.

my ds light and dolphin is enough to get my nitendofix, especially since they are not releasing that many "new" titles