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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - When will Wii U owners be satisfied enough to accept a new console?

I wouldn't mind if the new console launches late 2016, but only if there were at least 5 games in 2016 that I would be interested in, like a metroid, 3d mario, or what I really want on wii u, kid icarus uprising u.

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zorg1000 said:
Cheebee said:
I don't think it's just a matter of an unspecified number of games, but also (very much) a period of time. If they stopped supporting Wii U by the end of 2015 and revealed a successor around that time, I'm pretty sure a LOT of people wouldn't be satisfied, no matter if they'd released a truckload of AAA games in the meantime. That would mean a 3-year lifetime (at the most, since it would be even less for everyone who bought a Wii U after launch). I don't think that's acceptable.

Imo Q4 2016 is the absolute earliest they could possibly stop supporting Wii U and unveil a successor, ad even that would be pushing it.
Then again, I don't expect Nintendo to release a follow-up to Wii U until Q4 2017, at the earliest. 3DS will likely see a redesign sometime next year, and a successor in 2016.

In the OP I said new console Q4 2016, excellent output in 2015 and a few solid releases in 2016.

Yeah well... I agree with the excellent output in 2015 (which is already confirmed, really), and the solid releases in 2016 (I for one am expecting a new 3D Mario and whatever Retro's working on that year, plus I have a feeling Zelda will slip into 2016, too).

However I do think 2016 will be too early for a Wii U successor, mainly because of the time they need to create games. Right now it takes years to get a game done, that's only going to increase next gen, meaning they'd have to be working full-force on games for Wii U's successor right now - that's simply not feasible. Also, a 3DS successor is to be expected before a Wii U follow-up comes around, and they'll have to focus on that and its games, too.

It's pretty obvious Nintendo's teams are concentrating their software efforts on Wii U right now (which is why there's so very little announced for the future of 3DS). It was the other way around last year and in 2012, when 3DS software development was in full swing and the system saw tons of excellent titles coming out, whereas Wii U suffered badly from a drought back then. To me, 2016 seems much too soon, realistically.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


Cheebee said:
zorg1000 said:
Cheebee said:
I don't think it's just a matter of an unspecified number of games, but also (very much) a period of time. If they stopped supporting Wii U by the end of 2015 and revealed a successor around that time, I'm pretty sure a LOT of people wouldn't be satisfied, no matter if they'd released a truckload of AAA games in the meantime. That would mean a 3-year lifetime (at the most, since it would be even less for everyone who bought a Wii U after launch). I don't think that's acceptable.

Imo Q4 2016 is the absolute earliest they could possibly stop supporting Wii U and unveil a successor, ad even that would be pushing it.
Then again, I don't expect Nintendo to release a follow-up to Wii U until Q4 2017, at the earliest. 3DS will likely see a redesign sometime next year, and a successor in 2016.

In the OP I said new console Q4 2016, excellent output in 2015 and a few solid releases in 2016.

Yeah well... I agree with the excellent output in 2015 (which is already confirmed, really), and the solid releases in 2016 (I for one am expecting a new 3D Mario and whatever Retro's working on that year, plus I have a feeling Zelda will slip into 2016, too).

However I do think 2016 will be too early for a Wii U successor, mainly because of the time they need to create games. Right now it takes years to get a game done, that's only going to increase next gen, meaning they'd have to be working full-force on games for Wii U's successor right now - that's simply not feasible. Also, a 3DS successor is to be expected before a Wii U follow-up comes around, and they'll have to focus on that and its games, too.

It's pretty obvious Nintendo's teams are concentrating their software efforts on Wii U right now (which is why there's so very little announced for the future of 3DS). It was the other way around last year and in 2012, when 3DS software development was in full swing and the system saw tons of excellent titles coming out, whereas Wii U suffered badly from a drought back then. To me, 2016 seems much too soon, realistically.

I hope they'll eventually split development and have half the teams working on Wii U games and half the teams working on the successor's games. That way they'll get a headstart on troubleshooting and hopefully have a decent launch lineup this time.

Heres what I think we could see releasing on Wii U in terms of 1st/2nd party exclusives in 2015-2016.

February 2015-Yoshi's Woolly World

March 2015-Kirby Rainbow Curse

May 2015-Mario Maker

June 2015-Splatoon

August 2015-Super Mario Sunshine HD

September 2015-Xenoblade Chronicles X

October 2015-Devil's Third+Star Fox U

November 2015-Legend of Zelda U+Mario Party 10

February 2016-Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem

May 2016-Diddy Kong Racing

August 2016-Paper Mario U

November 2016-Animal Crossing (cross-gen with next handheld/console)

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

BlackyCat said:

I'm satisfied with my wii u and can't wait to buy xenoblade, zelda u, Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem. But still waiting for some more jrpg and maybe a metroid game by retro studio ( and a new f-zero ? ).

I 2nd that. plus the eshop exclusives have been really nice

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i cant see even 3DS beeing released before 2017 holidays.

Cheebee said:
zorg1000 said:
Cheebee said:
I don't think it's just a matter of an unspecified number of games, but also (very much) a period of time. If they stopped supporting Wii U by the end of 2015 and revealed a successor around that time, I'm pretty sure a LOT of people wouldn't be satisfied, no matter if they'd released a truckload of AAA games in the meantime. That would mean a 3-year lifetime (at the most, since it would be even less for everyone who bought a Wii U after launch). I don't think that's acceptable.

Imo Q4 2016 is the absolute earliest they could possibly stop supporting Wii U and unveil a successor, ad even that would be pushing it.
Then again, I don't expect Nintendo to release a follow-up to Wii U until Q4 2017, at the earliest. 3DS will likely see a redesign sometime next year, and a successor in 2016.

In the OP I said new console Q4 2016, excellent output in 2015 and a few solid releases in 2016.

Yeah well... I agree with the excellent output in 2015 (which is already confirmed, really), and the solid releases in 2016 (I for one am expecting a new 3D Mario and whatever Retro's working on that year, plus I have a feeling Zelda will slip into 2016, too).

However I do think 2016 will be too early for a Wii U successor, mainly because of the time they need to create games. Right now it takes years to get a game done, that's only going to increase next gen, meaning they'd have to be working full-force on games for Wii U's successor right now - that's simply not feasible. Also, a 3DS successor is to be expected before a Wii U follow-up comes around, and they'll have to focus on that and its games, too.

It's pretty obvious Nintendo's teams are concentrating their software efforts on Wii U right now (which is why there's so very little announced for the future of 3DS). It was the other way around last year and in 2012, when 3DS software development was in full swing and the system saw tons of excellent titles coming out, whereas Wii U suffered badly from a drought back then. To me, 2016 seems much too soon, realistically.

Well like u and I and Soundwave have all said, nintendo's next-gen handheld and console will most likely be unified and feature all the same gMes as one another so if they are working on games for the next handheld that means they are also working on games for the next console.

Also Nintendo recently said that the transition from developing games for Wii to developing games for Wii U has been difficult and that the only time the transition went smoothly was when they went from GC to Wii. To me that implies that the next console wont be a very large leap over Wii U in terms of specs and may use the same architecture so that way they can give relatively strong support from the get go.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

ninjaman003 said:

I hope they'll eventually split development and have half the teams working on Wii U games and half the teams working on the successor's games. That way they'll get a headstart on troubleshooting and hopefully have a decent launch lineup this time.

Apparently Nintendo's heading toward an Apple/Android-like approach; where there are multiple devices with a similar architecture/OS, making porting of games and assets very easy and streamlined between the systems. This specifically to up their software output and avoid game droughts.

Iwata has said all this on several occasions. So we can reasonably expect Wii U and 3DS' successor and also Wii U's successor to share the same OS, architecture, and games (or very similar ones, at any rate). Also, there may be more updates/redesigns in the future, like how Apple's bringing out new iPhones and iPads every year.

Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee   3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046


I honestly agree. I can't afford to buy $60 games all the time and so I am somewhat happy with the Wii U. Of course I'm a Nintendo die hard, but still I'm happy. However, I certainly would love to see more. I will buy COD Advanced Warfare and Watch Dogs upon release, but it is such a disappointment that 3rd paties have abandoned the system. It breaks my heart. I LOVE what Yacht Club said!!!! I will eternally support them!!!

Soundwave said:

A handheld + home VitaTV like box are "seperate" devices but still linked. 

If Nintendo really does go this route they'll be saying goodbye to disc based games, which is possible I guess, seeing as how 3DS cards have a maximum capacity of 8GBs iirc, and are about 8x the size of DS cards.  If Nintendo's new cards are 3-4x the size of 3DS cards, then I could see it.