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Forums - Sony Discussion - New Bloodborne screens...very nicely detailed

I wonder why someone chose to blow up the resolution on those, why not just leave them at 1080p? Doesn't look like they were otherwise touched up, looking at the jaggies. Love the atmosphere though.

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Nintentacle said:
Drakrami said:
Nintentacle said:
It doesn't look that great graphics-wise IMO.

Compared to what? Mario Kart 8? Zelda Skyward Sword? Hyrule Warriors? 



You can't use Skyward Sword and Hyrule Warrios as an comparison, Hyrule Warrios is from a company not known for good graphics, and Skyward Sword is on the Wii.

As for Mario Kart 8, they actually look pretty equal thanks to Mario Kart 8's colorful art-style.

Either way, I think a few PS4 games look better than this game...

Well of course a few PS4 games look better, doesn't detract from the fact that this is still a very very good and seemingly atmospheric looking game.

It may not not be what you would like artwise, but its still a great looking game. So i won't knock you thinking it doesn't look that good. After all its ur opinion.

Now if you had said until dawn didn't look that good, I would totally agree with you. Though i have never publicly said that cause well... the game kinda feels far.

Drakrami said:
Nintentacle said:
It doesn't look that great graphics-wise IMO.

Compared to what? Mario Kart 8? Zelda Skyward Sword? Hyrule Warriors? 






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I kinda like the artstyle, but it is way too dark for me.
What is so bad about using some colours here and there?

Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

Already had one of these as my wallpaper xD looks stunning

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The art for this game looks absolutely stunning at places - the first two shots in particular. Just.. wow.

bananaking21 said:
this looks awesome. absolutely love the art style.

The game looks stunning in motion, and I also love the art design. One of my most anticipated game in 2015 !

”Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

Harriet Tubman.

DirtyP2002 said:
I kinda like the artstyle, but it is way too dark for me.
What is so bad about using some colours here and there?

Why force in colors when they don't fit? They are obviously going for a certain atmosphere here and that works best without the use of too many bright colors.

Love the screenshots for the game. Can't wait for this since the Soul's series is one of my favorites.