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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony Fanboys And Their Insufferable Double Standards

NobleTeam360 said:
ErwinMoC said:
NobleTeam360 said:

It still doesn't make it any less true (In regards to sony fanboys praising Sony if this was Sony getting exclusivity)

So there are zero M$ fans praising M$ with the TR deal?

Didn't say that, I'm sure there are plenty of MS fanboys who praised the deal simply because it benefited MS. But the article is about Sony fanboys though not MS.

Yes the article is about sony fanboys... but over a misconstrued point. There is no one that if put in the exact same position wouldn't react similarly. There is a reason why existing ongoing IPs expnad and go on more platforms instead of exclude other platforms. Its just bad business. And a really big way for a publisher to tell its fanbase "Thanks for your money last time around, but yh.... Fuck you"

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Pavolink said:
Nothing surprising. Just yesterday we have a ridiculous thread about Tomb Raider vs Uncharted.
Anyway, yes, double standards are in each fanbase but with Sony fans is worse. I have had discussions about how their exclusives counts as the best games ever while Nintendo ones,despite developing over hundred, don't count for random reasons as casual or downloadable.

"I have had discussions about how their exclusives counts as the best games ever while Nintendo ones,despite developing over hundred, don't count for random reasons as casual or downloadable."


and you honestly don't know of any nintendo fans that say all sony games are movies or even beyond that don't count? really?

Keep it civil or this thread gets locked. Just a reminder from your friendly neighborhood Viper.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

ErwinMoC said:
NobleTeam360 said:
ErwinMoC said:
"Referring to Rise of the Tomb Raider specifically, had Sony come out and announced that it had got a timed exclusive deal I guarantee you, without one shred of doubt, that the large majority would have been praising Sony and their genius"

Stopped reading there, what a horrible article.

Did you stop reading because it's true

Why should I? This is a generalize article with prejudices.

Maybe but sony fans seem to be especially toxic, no matter what microsoft does they hate on it while praising sony for whatever they do. Sony did alot of shit to the xbox brand much worse then this tomb raider deal. They actively tried to kill xbox off, stopping devs and muscling them away from the platform (they did this to nintendo too) and they did it with probably 100s of games not just a timed exclusive. Where the first game would appear on all consoles and the sequeal annouced as ps2 exclusive.

Xbox fans have taken a back seat because the ps4 fans out number them and are now eating alot of humble pie. I think ps4 fans are especially vocal because alot used to be xbox gamers and made the switch and now have to justify their purchase.

Systems Owned: PS1, PS2, PS3,PS4, Wii, WiiU, xbox, xbox 360, xbox one

JayWood2010 said:
Ninsect said:

you know BK was sending that out yesterday too and i chose to ignore it.  I think what you and others arent realizing is that everybody knows fanboys from every group is annoying.  What people are saying is that the reaction wouldnt have been "as bad" as it was if Sony had done it.  People arent saying Xbox and Nintendo fans arent bad, we can all agree MSFT and nintendo fans are annoying as well.  What people are saying is that Sony fans are the worst.  And when i say fans, im talking hardcore fanboys, not a typical fan

With that said this thread really should be locked as its only going to end badly. I see no reason to have this up when all its going to do is cause arguments that will never be settled

That's bullshit and you know it, Jay. It only adds to the flame wars. There's a very good reason for why you and other Xbox/Nintendo fans believe Sony fanboys to be the worst, and that's because they attack the brand YOU prefer. Sony fans think the same about Nintendo fanboys and Xbox fanboys. Sony has always been competing with both Nintendo and Xbox while Xbox only seems to compete with Sony and Nintendo only with Sony too.

The One and Only

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Viper1 said:
Keep it civil or this thread gets locked. Just a reminder from your friendly neighborhood Viper.

We both know for a fact that it will not end well.  Is therre any reason this thread should not be locked?  Maybe i have no faith in the community on this but i cant possibly see how this ends well


"Obviously I am not referring to all Sony fans. But one can’t deny there is a rather large camp who are cancerous, and I will no longer resort to the cop-out of “every platform has its assholes and fanboys”, because with Sony fans it seems to be worse."

Stopped reading. Seems to be a trash article. Right off the bat, I consider any of the "Sony fans are worse" camp to not be very smart. People see what they want to see. Either the author isn't very bright or he's resorting to sensationalism.

ohmylanta1003 said:

That's the thing though. You're wrong. People aren't mad at SE, they are mad at MS! The proof is everywhere! That's what the OP is trying to say.

Errrr..... I have not seen one person that is mad at MS for trying and successfully securing a timed exclusive. The official PR release that madeit all worse was not released by MS but by SE..... so I really don't know what you are talking about here.

My guess is that you, like most others.... have to look it like that to justify putting "sony fanboys" in the crazy box. I am fully aware of fanboys (of any sort) having double standards, but the standards argument doesn't apply to this particular matter at hand.  

Viper1 said:
Keep it civil or this thread gets locked. Just a reminder from your friendly neighborhood Viper.

Why wait though? Is the title not enough?

NobleTeam360 said:
ErwinMoC said:
NobleTeam360 said:

Did you stop reading because it's true

Why should I? This is a generalize article with prejudices.

It still doesn't make it any less true (In regards to sony fanboys praising Sony if this was Sony getting exclusivity)

Instead MS fans would complain