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Forums - Politics Discussion - Help me debunk this racist

reggin_bolas said:

So I'm reading a post from this guy at another website I will not name who claims that Blacks are generally less intelligent than other people/races of the world.

First. there are no different races.  Dont fall into that argument.  As a matter of fact, go back far enough, and you will see that most of us are ethnically mixed.  So you can tell the poster, assuming he or she is "european" that there is a good chance that a few generations ago his or her ancestors would look "african" or "asian" or even "native american"

Second. Get a book called "Guns Germs and Steel".  A great book that will answer the questions that you are asking:
Or, watch the series:
But books are better ;)

Third.  Ask this guy what percentage of "blacks"  make up the US.  As a matter of fact, ask your friends and family this question.  Because anybody on the internet can look it up before answering. I will tell you, that many people will over estimate how many "blacks" are in the US.  When they find out how small the percentage is, you then have to ask yourself, for a people that are supposed to be less then others, why are they so prominent in the culture?  It takes a great  intelligence to live in a society where you are the minority, yet you keep your identity and influence the majority.  

Fourth:  Ask the poster who Benjamin Banneker was and what did he have to do with the capital of the US.  Ask the poster who Othello was and what he represents.  Why did Shakespear write about "blacks"?  Ask the poster why they have "black" people on European flags, pre-slavery paintings, and coat of arms?  

Fifth:  Look up Black Wallstreet, then look up Cointelpro and Operation Chaos.   

Sixth:  Ask the poster which contintent had the first Universities, and which contintent had the richest
man in the world EVER known.  

Seven:  Ask the poster which slave orchestrated the defeat of the mightiest military of the time- twice!  And what Napolean did to the Sphinx when he found out.




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reggin_bolas said:

Okay guys, I went ahead and responded because you brought up so many good points such as the Mali Empire, that race is an arbitrary social construct, and many others.

Well, I'm basically paraphrasing but this is what he had to say in return.

He claims race is a valid scientific category even though it's inexact. That's because social sciences are considered inexact, they don't yield certainty like the hard sciences. He then proclaimed that if people have lived in isolated environments sharing a similar gene pool under similar environments, how can the end result not be distinct categorical races based on genetics? The recent comingling of people due to globalism is a recent phenomenon which undoubtedly would polute the concept itself.

Genetics isn't part of the "social sciences". Basically, your racist has contradicted himself, by asserting that this is somehow something inherent to being black, and then asserting that race falls within the social sciences.

Aielyn said:
reggin_bolas said:

Okay guys, I went ahead and responded because you brought up so many good points such as the Mali Empire, that race is an arbitrary social construct, and many others.

Well, I'm basically paraphrasing but this is what he had to say in return.

He claims race is a valid scientific category even though it's inexact. That's because social sciences are considered inexact, they don't yield certainty like the hard sciences. He then proclaimed that if people have lived in isolated environments sharing a similar gene pool under similar environments, how can the end result not be distinct categorical races based on genetics? The recent comingling of people due to globalism is a recent phenomenon which undoubtedly would polute the concept itself.

Genetics isn't part of the "social sciences". Basically, your racist has contradicted himself, by asserting that this is somehow something inherent to being black, and then asserting that race falls within the social sciences.

Actually when you look into the history of every time a ethnicity visit another, you will see that Caucasian people have always stick out personality wise, for instance they were the only race perceive by any & all other races of people as the "people with no soul" (Hawaiians called them this) and fork tongue people/the white man (nationalize Americans called them this) and white devils (people of Africa called them this) and blue eye people (Persians say this) and gagi (not sure if I spelled it right, but the Japanese called them this) and round eye people (the chinese say this) and white supremacist (today's South Koreans say this). Anyways, throughout history you only see the Caucasian race recieve all these negative intrepertations by the very people they visited, because of a unique social way that only white people act like these past somethhing like 1,000 years or hopefully much less.

Kaizar said:
Aielyn said:
Genetics isn't part of the "social sciences". Basically, your racist has contradicted himself, by asserting that this is somehow something inherent to being black, and then asserting that race falls within the social sciences.

Actually when you look into the history of every time a ethnicity visit another, you will see that Caucasian people have always stick out personality wise, for instance they were the only race perceive by any & all other races of people as the "people with no soul" (Hawaiians called them this) and fork tongue people/the white man (nationalize Americans called them this) and white devils (people of Africa called them this) and blue eye people (Persians say this) and gagi (not sure if I spelled it right, but the Japanese called them this) and round eye people (the chinese say this) and white supremacist (today's South Koreans say this). Anyways, throughout history you only see the Caucasian race recieve all these negative intrepertations by the very people they visited, because of a unique social way that only white people act like these past somethhing like 1,000 years or hopefully much less.

I'm genuinely confused - were you intending to say that to somebody else?

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Aielyn said:
Kaizar said:
Aielyn said:
Genetics isn't part of the "social sciences". Basically, your racist has contradicted himself, by asserting that this is somehow something inherent to being black, and then asserting that race falls within the social sciences.

Actually when you look into the history of every time a ethnicity visit another, you will see that Caucasian people have always stick out personality wise, for instance they were the only race perceive by any & all other races of people as the "people with no soul" (Hawaiians called them this) and fork tongue people/the white man (nationalize Americans called them this) and white devils (people of Africa called them this) and blue eye people (Persians say this) and gagi (not sure if I spelled it right, but the Japanese called them this) and round eye people (the chinese say this) and white supremacist (today's South Koreans say this). Anyways, throughout history you only see the Caucasian race recieve all these negative intrepertations by the very people they visited, because of a unique social way that only white people act like these past somethhing like 1,000 years or hopefully much less.

I'm genuinely confused - were you intending to say that to somebody else?

No, but nevermind.

DaveyBoy88 said:
Face facts.

Blacks are less educated and skilled. Compare Africa with any other continent. Stop making excuses and better yourself instead of looking for excuses.

All this welfare, "job creation" and quotas are just breeding black culture that can't stand up for itself. If I were black I'd face the fact that my race of people are the most underdeveloped in the world. I'd also face the fact that black nations (and neighborhoods) have violent crime statistics that dwarf any other demographic group. The black nations of Africa with their tremendous resources are an embarrassment to human progress.

I'd soak up all these things and be determined to improve myself and provide my children with a good education.

lol, perhaps you could explain how you would face said "facts"?

You know something interesting? When humanity goes extinct, I bet good money that "black" Africans would be the last ones standing irregardless of so-called tech or scientific "advancements". Darwin suggested that thriving through nature is about survival of the fittest. The earth would be the one to decide who is really "advanced" not anyone seeking brownie points to boost their own  failing ego.

"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler

Well he is right that any US city with over 50% african american is an absolute hellhole - Detroit, Gary Indiana, St Louis, even Chicago is getting bad now.This is more due to Hip hop/gang culture and an entitlement attitude plus the parents don't give a damn.Go check the numbers on what % of black kids are brought up by single mothers in some of those cities, in Detroit at least it's over 70%.

Truth is the democrat party have farmed these people for votes for decades, promising them more free "stuff" all the while they get poorer.It's no coincidence that Detroit has been under democrat control continually since the early 60s and is now morally and financially bankrupt, an absolute destroyed wreck.

Nettles said:
Well he is right that any US city with over 50% african american is an absolute hellhole - Detroit, Gary Indiana, St Louis, even Chicago is getting bad now.This is more due to Hip hop/gang culture and an entitlement attitude plus the parents don't give a damn.Go check the numbers on what % of black kids are brought up by single mothers in some of those cities, in Detroit at least it's over 70%.

Truth is the democrat party have farmed these people for votes for decades, promising them more free "stuff" all the while they get poorer.It's no coincidence that Detroit has been under democrat control continually since the early 60s and is now morally and financially bankrupt, an absolute destroyed wreck.


Guys this threadis getting a bit out of hand.

Thoughts on whether its easier to lock it and say its gotten as far as it can go? Rather than have me start to try and moderate people?

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