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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii U owners, where do you see the system ending up, quality wise, vs other Ninty consoles?



Best 40 26.14%
#2 37 24.18%
#3 30 19.61%
#4 20 13.07%
#5 11 7.19%
Worst 14 9.15%

I can easily see it taking second place from the Gamecube. It already has the superior Mario Kart and 3D Mario versions.

Only reason I don't see it taking the top spot from Nintendo 64 is the lack of Rare titles. In terms of Nintendo developed software alone though, it may very well win.

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Between #1 and #3.

Maybe #2, with N64 #1 for me.

Mario 64, OOT & Goldeneye are still my favorite games on Nintendo.

My 8th gen collection

its already #2 for me lol

then again... ive only owned 3 Nintendo consoles

I can see it taking first if Zelda U is as good as it looks



1. N64
2/3. GCN/Wii U (tie)
4. Wii
5. NES

Never owned an SNES.

If Zelda U turns out to be fantastic and we get a spiritual successor to Metroid Prime, then Wii U will likely be at #2 and GCN at #3.

NNID: TheCCluc

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I believe it is going to be #2 to me. I am loving almost every first party game i touched until now.

Well, it's no N64. Or GC. Or SNES. Or NES. But it is a Wii. So I'm saying 5th.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

I love all of Ninty's home consoles, but I'm going to rate these for their original software, not remakes, HD remasters, Virtual Consoles, etc.

So, it's not gonna beat the NES or SNES for me; that's a given. And short of some miraculous, unforeseen software, it won't best the 'Cube either. That leaves N64 and Wii.

I'm already liking WiiU's 1st party game library a bit more than Wii's, and it's not even done yet (remember, original games ONLY - if we go by uniqueness, innovation, and include the VC, then the Wii smokes WiiU). We'll see if the WiiU can beat the N64 for me when the dust clears. Ocarina, Majora, Mario 64, Banjo, Blast Corps... that's some formidable competition.

I'm guessing that the wiiU is going to be the worst selling nintendo console, excluding the virtual boy if that counts.

For me personally, If you only count games originally made for the console like Archbrix said, it goes:

1. N64
2. Wii
4. GameCube/NES tie
5. Wii U

Too many unknowns with the Wii U at this point in it's life. It's on the right track with Xenoblade X, StarFox, SMT x FE, Captain Toad et. al, and I like what I'm hearing so far about the new Zelda. It is also becoming my indy gaming machine. However, I have to know that its getting a Metroid Prime and a few more JRPGs. A Wii Sports sequel made for the Wii U from the ground wouldn't hurt either.