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I love all of Ninty's home consoles, but I'm going to rate these for their original software, not remakes, HD remasters, Virtual Consoles, etc.

So, it's not gonna beat the NES or SNES for me; that's a given. And short of some miraculous, unforeseen software, it won't best the 'Cube either. That leaves N64 and Wii.

I'm already liking WiiU's 1st party game library a bit more than Wii's, and it's not even done yet (remember, original games ONLY - if we go by uniqueness, innovation, and include the VC, then the Wii smokes WiiU). We'll see if the WiiU can beat the N64 for me when the dust clears. Ocarina, Majora, Mario 64, Banjo, Blast Corps... that's some formidable competition.