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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox One Tier 2 Countries Will Give the Console a Large Boost!

I think it will get a boost.. around 50 k first week..

But WiiU baseline will not go down rest of 2014.. that is just nonsens..
(and why put it in the topic.. your claim can stand alone)

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Teeqoz said:
chocoloco said:

I am willing to bet it is because the USA has a population well over 300 million while the population of Norway is 5.00 million and shrinking.

Norways population isn't shrinking sweetie, It's growing, and the growth rate (% per year) is increasing. Don't go around splitting BS.

A growing population is rare for a European country girlfriend! Easy mistake.

Um, sorry but you're wrong. The increase to its baseline will probably be 5k or maybe even less than that.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

chocoloco said:
Teeqoz said:
chocoloco said:

I am willing to bet it is because the USA has a population well over 300 million while the population of Norway is 5.00 million and shrinking.

Norways population isn't shrinking sweetie, It's growing, and the growth rate (% per year) is increasing. Don't go around splitting BS.

A growing population is rare for a European country girlfriend! Easy mistake.

Did you just call me girlfriend? I was joking when I called you sweetie, I'm a guy . To show the growth we passed 5 million in 2012, and now are at 5,2 million. Some of this though is from immigration.

Teeqoz said:
chocoloco said:

A growing population is rare for a European country girlfriend! Easy mistake.

Did you just call me girlfriend? I was joking when I called you sweetie, I'm a guy . To show the growth we passed 5 million in 2012, and now are at 5,2 million. Some of this though is from immigration.

Good , a stable, or growing population is healthy for a country. All is good. I joke here a lot.

Around the Network
chocoloco said:
Teeqoz said:
chocoloco said:

A growing population is rare for a European country girlfriend! Easy mistake.

Did you just call me girlfriend? I was joking when I called you sweetie, I'm a guy . To show the growth we passed 5 million in 2012, and now are at 5,2 million. Some of this though is from immigration.

Good , a stable, or growing population is healthy for a country. All is good. I joke here a lot.

Well, it certainly depends. As illustrated by our GDP per capita we have the resources to sustain growth for quite a while, but other countries (such as China, though that is an extreme example) would benefit from a lower/decreasing population.

WagnerPaiva said:
DerNebel said:
WagnerPaiva said:

Too much? It is a launch, so I guess there will be hype, 1 million for 30 countries sounded right to me...

Nah, I think you're heavily overestimating those countries here, both in what they'll sell first month and in what they'll sell weekly after that.

Well, how much could it be?

Japan is in it, so I wonder if they will have some exclusives like the Xbox360 had, that dragon rpg game and Lost something, those were good games.

I don't feel confident enough to put out a first month prediction other than (a lot) lower than 1 million, but for weekly sales after some time I'd say it might do 10k in those territories at best.

From what I've seen the X1 has some japanese exclusives but what I've seen were weird visual novels, which are niche even over there, the X1 won't make an impact in Japan.

WagnerPaiva said:
I am thinking a solid million consoles in the first month of these countries (all of them together). Then, a steady extra 30k every week from those countries, from now on, for a long time.

I seriously can't tell if you're serious of not.

poklane said:
WagnerPaiva said:
I am thinking a solid million consoles in the first month of these countries (all of them together). Then, a steady extra 30k every week from those countries, from now on, for a long time.

I seriously can't tell if you're serious of not.

I assure you, I am serious. Maybe my predictions are off, but I thought they were reasonable. My line of thought was: 200k in Japan and, 100k in China and 700k in the 29 other countries...

My grammar errors are justified by the fact that I am a brazilian living in Brazil. I am also very stupid.

Raziel123 said:
toastboy44562 said:

Most people think it will not boost sales because it can be found those countries already

That's not why.

It is definitely why :) Hope you do not really believe that it will not boost sales that week... I know you are one of the most biased on these forums but come on, there is a limit lol :)

Also, glad to see you sig, it was effectively one of the first FPS (esp. on console) for a lot of gamers! Nice compliment!