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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox One Tier 2 Countries Will Give the Console a Large Boost!

It should get a decent boost on the launch weak, but i don't expect the long term effect will be hugely significant.

It might be enough to put the X1's weekly baseline above the WiiU's though, assuming they remain as close as they are now (and also assuming VGC's current tracking is correct).

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I cant speak for other countries but in denmark your statement is absolutely false. I import nearly all of my electronics from the UK since we have taxes of 25 pct on all products whereas the UK is only around 10. Not only that but most companies seem to ignore the exchange rate and gouge us even more. In general you save around 20 percent importing from the uk and sometimes even more from germany. As an example the ps4 was 399 euros in germany and 3500 danish kroner here. This meant 470 euros or 628 dollars that i paid for it in a danish retailer. There is no way that amazon charges 70 euros for delivery to their neighbour countries.

Officialy releasing means that they can have nice holiday bundles so november december they will increase a lot in sales even if on launch and baseline does not increase by much.

If you guys have any ideas or just want to vote on who will have the best holiday bundles check this threat.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

We will have to wait and see. It will obviously increase the weekly baseline but I have hard time seeing tier 2 countries increasing it that much past the launch week. Any boost for the X1 is good though! Just have to wait and until September to see how much it helps:)