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Forums - Sales Discussion - Its over for the 360

its not over for 360 yet. that 80gb bundle will kill any price drop or new sku ms has to offer.

here is the lineup for ps3 in 08: infamous, resistance 2, killzone 2, getaway 3, eight days, heavy rain, metal gear solid 4, tekken (cnt member what number), gt5p, ff7, gt5, and way more over 300 in fact

360: ninja gaiden 2, gears 2, fable 2.

now add home, free psn, in game xmb, blu ray, playtv, and all that good stuff o ya ds3 to the ps3 games and tell me in your honest opinion and dont be a fanboy, which you would rather have in 08

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shams said:
MS has too many options at the moment, and is still making too much money on the 360 for it to be "over". Sony (entertainment) will lose a lot of money this qrt - and MS (entertainment) will still be making a profit.

All MS have to do is announce a "revamped" 360 (with no RRoD confirmed), a GTA bundle and a price cut - and sales will explode. Heck, even I'm biding my time now before I pick up a 360. Only thing stopping me at the moment, is the sudden "flood" of Wii titles to get first.

Its looking more and more likely that they are flushing existing inventory out of the pipelines, before introducing the new models.

Even MGS is nothing compared to the beast that GTA4 will be.

I dont agree, I do not expect sony to lose profit (that would generate a lost) this quarter. I actually expect them to generate more profit than microsoftthis quarter. This due to PS2/PSP sales, and strong PS3/ps2 software sales.


 2008 end of year predictions:

PS3: 22M

360: 25M

wii: 40M

its not over for 360 yet. that 80gb bundle will kill any price drop or new sku ms has to offer.

here is the lineup for ps3 in 08: infamous, resistance 2, killzone 2, getaway 3, eight days, heavy rain, metal gear solid 4, tekken (cnt member what number), gt5p, ff7, gt5, and way more over 300 in fact

360: ninja gaiden 2, gears 2, fable 2.

now add home, free psn, in game xmb, blu ray, playtv, and all that good stuff o ya ds3 to the ps3 games and tell me in your honest opinion and dont be a fanboy, which you would rather have in 08

roadkillers said:
shams said:
MS has too many options at the moment, and is still making too much money on the 360 for it to be "over". Sony (entertainment) will lose a lot of money this qrt - and MS (entertainment) will still be making a profit.

All MS have to do is announce a "revamped" 360 (with no RRoD confirmed), a GTA bundle and a price cut - and sales will explode. Heck, even I'm biding my time now before I pick up a 360. Only thing stopping me at the moment, is the sudden "flood" of Wii titles to get first.

Its looking more and more likely that they are flushing existing inventory out of the pipelines, before introducing the new models.

Even MGS is nothing compared to the beast that GTA4 will be.

MS making money? Since when I've never heard them making money of video games. Well beside when Halo 3 was released but there still making money off that?

Well, like both the last two quarters. And they will make more money this qrt, and all through this year (according to them).

The difference, is now MS are producing 360s at a profit. This is something they struggled to do with the XBOX. That along makes this generation different.

Sony Entertainment will struggle to make any money this qrt - check the analysis that was done of all the financials when they came out. Basically the huge sales for the PS2/PSP over Xmas qrt, balanced out the losses for the PS3.

This qrt has much lower PS2/PSP sales, but (proportionally) not that much lower PS3 sales. You'll see the figures at the end of the March qrt anyway (in about 2 months) when the yearly reports hit.


Either way, anyone suggesting the 360 is "over" is a joker. Its wishful thinking from Sony fans, and nothing more. 

Gesta Non Verba

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How about this title then "The demise of the 360 has begun"? That work better?

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for all the people who say gtaiv will be bundled with 360, tbhats crazy. i cant remember when a console of 10 years or less was bundled with a multi platform game speically a controversial game like gta

This isn't the first or second time it's happened. It's the third time, in the past four weeks.

This is the same crap that people were spewing when PS3 first outsold 360 WW. "It's only happened a few times," etc., and now we're on like week number thirteen or fourteen (in a row) that it's outsold the XBOX 360. And yes, the gap is still 6.88 million away. But considering how little it was outselling the 360 by a few weeks ago (as little as five to ten thousand) to now, oustelling it by 40-50k per week, the gap is only closing, and they're outselling it by more and more.

People just need to understand it, the PlayStation 3 will continue to outsell the XBOX 360 worldwide, and in America, at least for a time to come. I would go on record to say that save for a few weeks this year, the PlayStation 3 WILL beat the XBOX 360 in every territory for the next ten months. I think that there will be a small battle in America, but for the PS3 to have even gotten close and surpassed them, compared to what they were doing last year (This week is a 200% increase from last year), Microsoft could be worried. Last year, the PS3 was selling nowhere near the XBOX 360 and now it's passing it in it's strongest market? People can use the excuse that it's only happened three times, but the sooner the truth is accepted, the better. As you see, no one is still going around saying that the PS3 won't outsell the XBOX 360 WW anymore, because it's been taken as law. By the end of April/May, it will be a given that the PlayStation 3 will outsell the XBOX 360 in each and every market until the end of oblivion.

Looks like I may get my 25% before this year is over!

Username2324 said:
NeoRatt said:
How can it be over for 360?

Between Jan 5, 2007 and Feb 16, 2007 it sold 681,614 units
Between Jan 4, 2008 and Feb 15, 2008 it sold 749,062 units

Net increase of 67,948 units...

How can a year over year increase in sales by almost 10% be game over?

Is 360 doing bad, or is PS3 doing good and 360 is still doing good?

 Jan 6, 2007 through Feb 17, 2007 PS3 sold 571,942
 Jan 5, 2008 through Feb 16, 2008 PS3 sold 1,341,859

PS3 had the greater increase, and higher overall.

Like I said PS3 is doing good.  It took a $200 price cut, 4 SKUs, some excellent titles at Christmas (R&C, CoD4, UT III, Drake), the promise of MGS4, FF XIII, Resistance 2, LBP, GT5, continued Home Vaporware showings, a blu-ray win, but they are now doing good.

What more can they do in the immediate term?  I don't think much. 

Meanwhile 360 has stayed steady, and is over delivering over expectations for this year.  For the past few months these forums have been filled with "Sony Domination in 2008" and 360 has nothing...  If Sony domination is outselling the 360 between 10K-50K consoles each week, I think most 360 owners will say who cares? 

Especially, when Gears of War 2, Banjo Kazooie 3, Too Human, Left 4 Dead, Ninja Gaiden II, GTA IV delivers the first of two episodic editions, and Halo Wars brings RTS games onto consoles for good this year.  Yes, Sony will have GT5 (maybe this year), MGS4, KZ2 (maybe this year), Haze, Tekken 6 (maybe this year), Resistance 2, LBP (Looks very creative and innovative), and of course FF XIII, among others.  The point, is, Microsoft will deliver just as good an experience even with Sony, taking out all the big guns this year  (But, all this is just recycled releases from what was supposed to ship last year outside of Resistance 2).

Im gonna call you out roadkillers. Thats bull. The 360 has been outsold, but has had less price drops than the PS3. MS isn't out of the fight.

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if Halo didnt kill the ps3, no game the 360 can offfer will.

 Next Gen 

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