eva01beserk said:
Seece said: I can't really take anyone seriously that says Captain Toad and Bayonetta are going to raise the baseline of WiiU.
I can't really take anyone serious that says multyplats are going to increase the baseline of the x1.
Multiplats raise the baseline as a group if anything, their mere presence makes the platform alice (it's probably over 90% of the releases).
Same goes for Bayonetta/2 and captain toad, individually they may not get a lot of people to buy the Wii U, but they populate the library, and will probably be good... at least good enough for a loot of people to consider the machine more seriously.
All in all, all games count, they just don't equally... but in numbers, when you have enough titles to make your machine look more interesting and the platform alive they make a difference, if anything just by giving the impression of choice and variety in the library.
Talking about variety, where are the good JRPGs these days, I have to replay the old Y's games to get some fun in that department