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Forums - Sports Discussion - The NFL Thread 2014: New England Patriots Win Super Bowl XLIX


Who will win the Super Bowl?

Who cares? 41 36.61%
That AFC team. 29 25.89%
That NFC team. 5 4.46%
Hahaha, not the Packers! 25 22.32%
See Results. 9 8.04%

Sherman, I love you. Could kiss that man

Around the Network
Angelus said:
Sherman, I love you. Could kiss that man

You should kiss Wilson next

TheGoldenBoy said:
Angelus said:
Sherman, I love you. Could kiss that man

You should kiss Wilson next

Meh, Kearse shoulda caught it imo. Was a good enough throw 

But ya. Not the best first sequence

Good stop. I'll live with that FG


Edit: Ugh this is not a great start 

Angelus said:

Good stop. I'll live with that FG


Edit: Ugh this is not a great start 

At least they only got another field goal

Around the Network
NobleTeam360 said:
Angelus said:

Good stop. I'll live with that FG


Edit: Ugh this is not a great start 

At least they only got another field goal

Ya. Big time stops by the D. 

Green Bay is running the ball surprisingly well against Seattle. I expected that from Dallas, not from Green Bay though

Jesus. Aside from Sherman this has been a nightmare so far

RolStoppable said:
NobleTeam360 said:
Green Bay is running the ball surprisingly well against Seattle. I expected that from Dallas, not from Green Bay though

I told you that Lacy will be beasting.

It's the end of the first quarter, so I'll give you the chance to switch to Packers nation; if you do, then I won't bully you for drinking so much haterade during the last week.

As for the Seahawks, it's nice that teams switch sides at the end of a quarter. Now their offense finally gets to see the left side of the field.

Dude, the Seahawks are commiting so many penalties right now it's not even funny. 

Good lord, the Seahawks suck.