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Forums - Sports Discussion - The NFL Thread 2014: New England Patriots Win Super Bowl XLIX


Who will win the Super Bowl?

Who cares? 41 36.61%
That AFC team. 29 25.89%
That NFC team. 5 4.46%
Hahaha, not the Packers! 25 22.32%
See Results. 9 8.04%

Major thanks to the Lions, Chiefs, and Saints for making some fantastic comebacks to keep my record from tanking.

A big middle finger to the Bucs for losing at home to the only team in the NFC they could realistically beat. Never picking Tampa Bay again.

Also Pittsburgh is going to tank now that they brought Bieber on board. Maybe the Browns bribed him to come to their Bible study or something.

EDIT: Never mind the Saints game is nowhere near over

ESPN what the heck is with your scoreboard. Get it up to date seriously

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I had the Dolphins and Bills lol. So close, but they both collapsed at the very last second.

SF is coming back again. NO is usually gold at home, but today is not that hot.

What did I do this time?


Carl2291 said:
What did I do this time?

You were British.

Anyway, I told you guys. As soon as you put any faith in the Dolphins or Bills, they collapse on you.

Calvin Johnson being back for the Lions will probably be more then enough for them to win the division especially since they also still have the best overall defense in the NFL.

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Geez Saints O Line

Learn to block

Chris Hu said:
Calvin Johnson being back for the Lions will probably be more then enough for them to win the division especially since they also still have the best overall defense in the NFL.

Hahah that's an awful confident statement for a team that barely squeaked one out at home vs. the Dolphins.

That field goal from Phil Dawson to take the game for the 9ers seemed to defy the laws of physics. Was clearly going left, then in the middle of the air veered to the right.

This week is already BS. 2-5.

Bills game. Bills.....
49ers game. They beat Cowboys who then go 6-1. They beat Eagles who then go 6-1. Now they beat the Saints at home.
Steelers. So many times they got to disappoint against mediocre teams.

The rest of the games are not set in stone, so tough to be positive this week.

Arkaign said:
Chris Hu said:
Calvin Johnson being back for the Lions will probably be more then enough for them to win the division especially since they also still have the best overall defense in the NFL.

Hahah that's an awful confident statement for a team that barely squeaked one out at home vs. the Dolphins.

The Dolphins are a pretty decent team.  What it comes down to is Green Bays offense versus Detroits defense and I think Detroits defense will win out since offensively Green Bay is not much better especially since Detroit now has Calvin Johnson back.  He definetly was the X-Factor that won the game for them today.