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Forums - Movies & TV - Super Official Anime Discussion Thread

VGPolyglot said:
Man, I'm horribly slow at watching anime. I started Bebop like a month and a half ago, and am only 4 episodes in

Might as well drop it and watch a good anime instead.

Like Majokko Shimai no Yoyo to Nene.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

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Super_Boom said:
VGPolyglot said:
Man, I'm horribly slow at watching anime. I started Bebop like a month and a half ago, and am only 4 episodes in

How dare you. HOW DARE YOU.

D: I guess I just need to get into the groove and start tackling it one day! Because I did binge watch Samurai Champloo a few months ago.

Found this on the Shokugeki no Soma Reddit. It's a translation of an interview with the seiyuus for the new Elite 10 characters that will appear in season 3. See here for source (though it's in Japanese) 


  • (1) What is your impression of Shokugeki no Soma?

  • (2) What was your first impression of your character?

  • (3) Your thoughts on taking part in S3 of the anime!

1st Seat Tsukasa Eishi - Ishida Akira:

  1. (1) Even if there’s a fine line between craving for competition and craving for consumption (as in “eating food”), you can’t completely separate the two when portraying people. I suppose it means consumption isn’t limited to satisfying an empty stomach after all.
  2. (2) When I look at how Tsukasa Eishi is depicted, the saying “Heaven does not give two gifts” comes to mind. Personally I like how he’s imperfect as a person.
  3. (3) Since I’m hopping on midway through the story, I hope I can quickly adapt to Shokugeki no Soma’s atmosphere.

2nd Seat Kobayashi Rindou - Itou Shizuka:

  1. (1) It’s full of delicious looking food and I get hungry looking at them. I would love to encounter this cooking battle in real life…!
  2. (2) That she’s a frank, lovely onee-san who seems to like fun. I love doing those types of characters so I’m looking forward to it.
  3. (3) I was thinking it would be sad to end with the OVA, so I’m very happy! I’ll do my best to voice her charmingly!

4th Seat Akanegakubo Momo - Kugimiya Rie:

  1. (1) I thought it was a very lively, flamboyant, fun-looking work with many characters. I’m glad I can take part in it!
  2. (2) At first glance she’s very adorable, but then she has this style of transmitting her true nature, and I think that makes her an appealing character.
  3. (3) I’m a “beginner” in Shokugeki no Soma, but I’ll do my best so people could enjoy it!

6th Seat Kinokuni Nene - Hanazawa Kana:

  1. (1) I love eating, so this manga stimulated my imagination and appetite when I imagined what each dish would taste like!!
  2. (2) That she’s a girl who may not speak much but is very sharp-tongued. I’m interested by how her mysterious air seems to be hiding something.
  3. (3) So far as Nene-chan I’ve only spoken a few lines, but I hear the Elites will play a very active role in S3 so I can’t wait to see what kind of battle it’ll be!!

8th Seat Kuga Terunori - Kaji Yuuki:

  1. (1) The impression I got was an exquisite balance between “food” and “battle” and “human drama”. All the characters are cool, and cute… I felt it’s a manga you wouldn’t tire of reading, with plenty of comedic and sexy moments sprinkled throughout.
  2. (2) This goes for all the characters… but Kuga had an especially strong impact. He is so himself from his very first appearance! (laughs) I think his appeal as a character comes from the way he feigns composure but also acts belligerent, and the switches from comedic to serious, so I’d like to voice him with those in mind.
  3. (3) So glad it didn’t end with the OVA! (laughs) Personally, I sense that Kuga is a fairly difficult character so I’m very much looking forward to voicing him. There will be many other new characters. Please wait until the show airs!
Really hope the anime incorporated the events of the OVA...though if not, it's an excuse to go watch it I guess. 

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

Super_Boom said:
VGPolyglot said:
Man, I'm horribly slow at watching anime. I started Bebop like a month and a half ago, and am only 4 episodes in

How dare you. HOW DARE YOU.


Anyways, I started watching OreImo. I put it off for a long time because of its reputation, but I enjoyed Eromanga sensei enough to give it a go. 

So far I rate it Madao Dad/10. Lack of Elf-chan is dissapointing, but I suppose little sister will have to do.

I have a video for you if you thought Eromanga Sensei wasn't trash.


Had anyone watched Zero kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho? With the new season coming I'm beginning to drop some stuff out of necessity. This one seemed kind of endearing but I have only watched 2 eps when it first came out. I don't really want to drop it but if it's just mediocre I might.

Also still left on my list:

Sakura Quest - Will stick with that
Saenai - Certainly will finish
Renai Boukun - I want to finish it but if it doesn't offer anything more than what I've seen in the first episodes It's a drop.
Hinako Note - It is just generic moe but I guess I have to force myself through it. If anything then at least to have another example of bad moe and why K-On is so much better.
Re: Creators - Will stick with it but hopefully I won't get bored half way through
Clockwork Planet - The premise is cool but it looks like it might devolve into some generic shounen action. Will give it a few more eps.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

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I think hero alchemy is my favour show of 2017

LuckyTrouble said:

I have a video for you if you thought Eromanga Sensei wasn't trash.

So much sarcasm XD *sizzles*

IDK, I went into it expecting a loli incest harem, ended up with a loli harem with some very tame stepcest....and also some fun characters and a unique premise to boot. Maybe I'm just desensitized enough to ecchi material now that none of it really bothered me here. The only faults I'd find in Eromanga are faults I'd find in any harem comedy...just with middle school girls this time.

Still, it's A-1 and I watched Sword Art Online, so the bar was already pretty low for me.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

Poll idea:

"Do you like Horror anime?"

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

Super_Boom said:
Poll idea:

"Do you like Horror anime?"

Oooh, I like that!! I'm starting to get into anime myself, and horror is one of my favourite genres!

VGPolyglot said:

Oooh, I like that!! I'm starting to get into anime myself, and horror is one of my favourite genres!

I guess it's not a bad question, though I was mostly teasing. The manga thread here has had a version of that question for most of its life here.

The scariest anime I've watched is that one with the orange ninja kid. Someone showed me an image of the main character grown up and checking Facebook and I screamed in terror.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334