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LuckyTrouble said:

I have a video for you if you thought Eromanga Sensei wasn't trash.

So much sarcasm XD *sizzles*

IDK, I went into it expecting a loli incest harem, ended up with a loli harem with some very tame stepcest....and also some fun characters and a unique premise to boot. Maybe I'm just desensitized enough to ecchi material now that none of it really bothered me here. The only faults I'd find in Eromanga are faults I'd find in any harem comedy...just with middle school girls this time.

Still, it's A-1 and I watched Sword Art Online, so the bar was already pretty low for me.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334