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Forums - Movies & TV - Super Official Anime Discussion Thread

Woo, nice thread! I've been trying to get back into watching some anime lately, so I'll definitely try to keep updated here for recommendations & such!

I also joined the MAL club, I've had an account there for years lol (Kletain)

Around the Network
vivster said:
Mystro-Sama said:
vivster said:
Mystro-Sama said:

 How come Kill la Kill got a 10?

Because it's the best Anime I have ever watched. Which is a feat considering the amount of anime I've watched. The first anime that made me cry not out of sadness but epicness.(and that's a true story)

I'm guessing you like Gurren Lagann too?

Look at the chart you lazy :P

I did. I just never examined it enough lol

vivster said:
AstroGamer said:
So you guys are finally getting a new thread.
Well then,
If you guys aren't watching Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun, what's wrong with you?

Don't watch Momo Kyun Sword unless you want to laugh at how many boob and ass shots they can fit in 24 minutes
Don't watch Rail Wars except for hatewatching. It's a terrible show only having well drawn boobs and butts

I enjoy all 3 of these shows.


Nothing is wrong with you if you like Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun: That's what an upright fan of anime should be watching and enjoying

The other two, however, might be telling signs of you having the scientific condition of loving boobs. Or you can be laughing at how stupid thoseshows are.

My Hummingbird

3DS Friend Code: 047387541842

vivster said:

This is my table I made myself in excel over the years.

- I haven't come around to add all producers yet
- genres are sorted from the most prevalent
- high rating doesn't equal fun watch in my system
- bold are my favorite animes
- my system only has a range from 5-10 because I can find merit in any anime
- Kill la Kill is the very first and only Anime to ever get a 10. Before it I never thought it would be possible for any anime to reach a 10
- list does not include movies or OVA only animes
- I've been watching anime since the start of 2010
- some of the 8.5s and especially 8s don't deserve such a high rating. I need to revise this when I change my rating system

I wanted to do this as HTML but that would've been too big. Also the file is quite large(7mb)

Why not just use MAL?

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

AstroGamer said:
Also, I recommend using Hummingbird instead of MAL
Much cleaner interface, no annoying logout issues and an incredibly good android app that is almost as good as the site.
I linked mine in my sig

Eh, is that finished now? It was pretty awful a few years ago.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Around the Network
utlawauron said:

Why not just use MAL?

I will pay you one smiley when you enter over 400 animes into MAL for me.


But seriously when I started this I didn't know about MAL and even if I did there were several reasons against it.

- Not a fitting rating system. When I started it I didn't believe in 10/10s and I didn't want to grace any anime with a perfect score that didn't deserve it.

- very limited statistics

- no chance to leave comments to the animes

- no chance to highlight my favorite animes

- very tedious to add Animes and keep track of them

MAL might be fitting for people who watch like 20 animes a year but it quickly becomes a chore when it's 100+

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

vivster said:
utlawauron said:

Why not just use MAL?

I will pay you one smiley when you enter over 400 animes into MAL for me.


But seriously when I started this I didn't know about MAL and even if I did there were several reasons against it.

- Not a fitting rating system. When I started it I didn't believe in 10/10s and I didn't want to grace any anime with a perfect score that didn't deserve it.

- very limited statistics

- no chance to leave comments to the animes

- no chance to highlight my favorite animes

- very tedious to add Animes and keep track of them

MAL might be fitting for people who watch like 20 animes a year but it quickly becomes a chore when it's 100+

Bolded are not true at all. You can add favorites to your profile. You can also tag/add comments to your list along with it's forum function for every show.

It also has numerous 3rd party applications that regularly update your list for you without having to do anything but watch the show. For stats, it has plenty to compare with others (compatiblity, other scores, and more add-ins like MALgraph that do breakdowns by genre)

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

outlawauron said:
vivster said:
utlawauron said:

Why not just use MAL?

I will pay you one smiley when you enter over 400 animes into MAL for me.


But seriously when I started this I didn't know about MAL and even if I did there were several reasons against it.

- Not a fitting rating system. When I started it I didn't believe in 10/10s and I didn't want to grace any anime with a perfect score that didn't deserve it.

- very limited statistics

- no chance to leave comments to the animes

- no chance to highlight my favorite animes

- very tedious to add Animes and keep track of them

MAL might be fitting for people who watch like 20 animes a year but it quickly becomes a chore when it's 100+

Bolded are not true at all. You can add favorites to your profile. You can also tag/add comments to your list along with it's forum function for every show.

It also has numerous 3rd party applications that regularly update your list for you without having to do anything but watch the show. For stats, it has plenty to compare with others (compatiblity, other scores, and more add-ins like MALgraph that do breakdowns by genre)

It didn't have those when I started my list.

Again, are you willing to enter more than 400 animes to this list right now?

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Wow, 100+ animes a year? I barely watch one!

MohammadBadir said:
Wow, 100+ animes a year? I barely watch one!

That would explain why you don't know many good modern animes.

According to my personal statistics(which would never be possible in myanimelist:P) I watched 1.6 animes per week. There was a time wghen I didn't watch as much but since I started following seasonal animes I always watched 20+ per season.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.