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Forums - Movies & TV - Super Official Anime Discussion Thread

Mystro-Sama said:

 How come Kill la Kill got a 10?

Because it's the best Anime I have ever watched. Which is a feat considering the amount of anime I've watched. The first anime that made me cry not out of sadness but epicness.(and that's a true story)

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Around the Network
vivster said:
Mystro-Sama said:

 How come Kill la Kill got a 10?

Because it's the best Anime I have ever watched. Which is a feat considering the amount of anime I've watched. The first anime that made me cry not out of sadness but epicness.(and that's a true story)

I'm guessing you like Gurren Lagann too?

So you guys are finally getting a new thread.
Well then,
If you guys aren't watching Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun, what's wrong with you?

Don't watch Momo Kyun Sword unless you want to laugh at how many boob and ass shots they can fit in 24 minutes
Don't watch Rail Wars except for hatewatching. It's a terrible show only having well drawn boobs and butts

My Hummingbird

3DS Friend Code: 047387541842

Mystro-Sama said:
vivster said:
Mystro-Sama said:

 How come Kill la Kill got a 10?

Because it's the best Anime I have ever watched. Which is a feat considering the amount of anime I've watched. The first anime that made me cry not out of sadness but epicness.(and that's a true story)

I'm guessing you like Gurren Lagann too?

Look at the chart you lazy :P

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

AstroGamer said:
So you guys are finally getting a new thread.
Well then,
If you guys aren't watching Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun, what's wrong with you?

Don't watch Momo Kyun Sword unless you want to laugh at how many boob and ass shots they can fit in 24 minutes
Don't watch Rail Wars except for hatewatching. It's a terrible show only having well drawn boobs and butts

Just for you, I added it in

                                                                                                               You're Gonna Carry That Weight.

Xbox One - PS4 - Wii U - PC

Around the Network
VanceIX said:
AstroGamer said:
So you guys are finally getting a new thread.
Well then,
If you guys aren't watching Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun, what's wrong with you?

Don't watch Momo Kyun Sword unless you want to laugh at how many boob and ass shots they can fit in 24 minutes
Don't watch Rail Wars except for hatewatching. It's a terrible show only having well drawn boobs and butts

Just for you, I added it in

Thank you, that's a good show
edit: also the image is having problems, you should host it on imgur or something

Squeezol's Fanclub Member? is that how it works?

Why can't I hold all these no gaemz?

Always looking to improve my awful drawings ;_; 

Also, I recommend using Hummingbird instead of MAL
Much cleaner interface, no annoying logout issues and an incredibly good android app that is almost as good as the site.
I linked mine in my sig

My Hummingbird

3DS Friend Code: 047387541842

Akiran said:
VanceIX said:
AstroGamer said:
So you guys are finally getting a new thread.
Well then,
If you guys aren't watching Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun, what's wrong with you?

Don't watch Momo Kyun Sword unless you want to laugh at how many boob and ass shots they can fit in 24 minutes
Don't watch Rail Wars except for hatewatching. It's a terrible show only having well drawn boobs and butts

Just for you, I added it in

Thank you, that's a good show
edit: also the image is having problems, you should host it on imgur or something

Yeah, I should probably just host all of them, I've already had to upload a few :/

Edit: Uploaded to imgur, pic should show up fine now. Just tell me if any others seem off.

                                                                                                               You're Gonna Carry That Weight.

Xbox One - PS4 - Wii U - PC

AstroGamer said:
So you guys are finally getting a new thread.
Well then,
If you guys aren't watching Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun, what's wrong with you?

Don't watch Momo Kyun Sword unless you want to laugh at how many boob and ass shots they can fit in 24 minutes
Don't watch Rail Wars except for hatewatching. It's a terrible show only having well drawn boobs and butts

I enjoy all 3 of these shows.


If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Wow...this thread is quite speedy. Errr, I don't watch ongoing shows because I tend to marathon things and I don't like having to wait and I haven't really watched much lately but I'll try to jump in if I see a conversation I can keep up with ^.^