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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony: EA Access Doesn't "Represent Good Value To The PlayStation Gamer"

Imaginedvl said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

Just realized that most probable reason EA Access is exclusive to XB1 is because they could only do it on XB1. It wouldn't work on PS, it would get obliterated on PC, and EA doesn't support Nintendo.

As for this:

walsufnir said:

Why wouldn't they let their customers decide what is of value and what isn't? Sounds like they are bitter.

Offering a Bad option is worse than offering no option at all, XB doesn't have a service similar to this in extent, while it would be incompatible on PS because of plus.

I doubt EA offered it Sony, but I also doubt that MS is getting this for free. Seeing as this would most likely lose them money on Origin and PC.

I'm pretty sure Microsoft is getting this for free actually. Why would they pay? It is all good for EA and Microsoft. It is not like an exclusivity deal or something.  It is a good opportunity for EA and Microsoft is just happy that Sony passed on this as they can tag it as "exclusive".

But its the lack of Origin support that confuses me, its not EAs MO. Unless doing it on PC would create a loss. Sony my not want this cause of plus and now but I also think they are spinning cause they didn't want to pay

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

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The Fury said:
wilco said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Why is everyone avoiding the obvious important question?
Why no Origin or 360? Either EA didn't offer it to Sony or Sony didn't pay for it.

You seem to be suggesting that Microsoft paid EA but if they did pay EA then why would they not put it on 360? MS has also never had much of a problem with allowing supposedly exclusive content to go to PC as well. Your examples prove nothing. Xbox One is probably just the beta platform. This service will likely go to as many platforms as possible.

Quite simple, they are trying to promote their new console. Henry is right, a deal for something like this in EA's case not being on Origin/PC is just odd. Maybe Henry is right, EA were making Sony pay for the privilege of having the service.

I just can't see this as the kind of thing you could use to promote a console. Exclusive game, yes, but a subscription service that allows you to play old games? That doesn't really sound like a sexy system seller to me. Atleast not enough to make MS fork up some cash for the privelege, and to even fork up enough cash to keep it off PC as well. I'm fuzzy on the details but if this is a streaming service it would be more difficult on the 360 do to its lack of RAM, so maybe that is why its not coming there.

If MS did pay for this then that was an incredibly dumb move. You really think EA would refuse to put this service on a console? They have to put it somewhere and consoles are their bread and butter. If both sony and MS refused to pay you really think EA would just scrap it? No, they'd put it on the platform because they'd make more money off sales than whatever the platform holders would have paid. I think Sony just genuinely refused to allow the service on their system just like they said.

walsufnir said:

Why wouldn't they let their customers decide what is of value and what isn't? Sounds like they are bitter.


Following EA’s announcement of the company’s new subscription program, Access, we were curious about it being tied only to Xbox One. We reached out to Sony for clarification, and it seems like PlayStation 4 owners shouldn’t hold their breath for the program.

“We evaluated the EA Access subscription offering and decided that it does not bring the kind of value PlayStation customers have come to expect,” a Sony representative told us via email. “PlayStation Plus memberships are up more than 200% since the launch of PlayStation 4, which shows that gamers are looking for memberships that offer a multitude of services, across various devices, for one low price. We don’t think asking our fans to pay an additional $5 a month for this EA-specific program represents good value to the PlayStation gamer.”

EA's Access program costs $5 per month or $30 per year and offers discounts to members, free (while membership is active) catalog titles, and pre-release access to game trials up to five days in advance. The program is in beta now, with Xbox One preview members getting first access yesterday evening. FIFA 14, Madden NFL 25, Peggle 2, and Battlefield 4 kick off the program as free-with-membership titles.

While Sony could certainly change its mind down the line, we don’t expect that to happen any time soon. For more on EA Access, check out yesterday’s coverage.

Our Take
While EA Access might not be coming to PS4, I wouldn’t necessarily count out the publisher’s games in PS Plus. There is still value for EA there, especially as those free-with-membership games have great potential to move the needle for DLC that has long since dropped down the sales chart.

This also doesn't mean that Sony can't change its mind later. If demand is great enough and value increases, EA Access could migrate over down the road. For now though, this is a clear statement that PS4 players shouldn't hold their breath for the program.

Riiiiiight. So good value is forcing your customers to purchase a subscription to be able to play online? I don't like EA, but at least there is choice in the matter. This sounds like a PR spin and BS. 

Gotta figure out how to set these up lol.

I'm glad that Sony isn't supporting it. limiting it to the small X1 base will prevent it from getting widespread. Last thing I want is multiple publisher subscriptions .

bananaking21 said:
walsufnir said:
ClassicGamingWizzz said:

can you give examples, i would love to know who said it was good yesterday aand are saying its garbage now, show us please those comments.

 I didn't say it was the same people.

so you are saying different people have different opinions? fantastic observation. 

Obviously others don't so one has to tell them.

Around the Network
wilco said:

I just can't see this as the kind of thing you could use to promote a console. Exclusive game, yes, but a subscription service that allows you to play old games? That doesn't really sound like a sexy system seller to me. Atleast not enough to make MS fork up some cash for the privelege, and to even fork up enough cash to keep it off PC as well. I'm fuzzy on the details but if this is a streaming service it would be more difficult on the 360 do to its lack of RAM, so maybe that is why its not coming there.

If MS did pay for this then that was an incredibly dumb move. You really think EA would refuse to put this service on a console? They have to put it somewhere and consoles are their bread and butter. If both sony and MS refused to pay you really think EA would just scrap it? No, they'd put it on the platform because they'd make more money off sales than whatever the platform holders would have paid. I think Sony just genuinely refused to allow the service on their system just like they said.

No, not a system seller but a benefit. Like the PS3 being more expensive last gen but not paying for online when you had to on Xbox was a benefit. Simple things can help overall, else they would not have removed the ever so important Kinect. Maybe it would be more difficult on 360 but isn't PS Now is meant to work on a Bravia TV, how much ram do TVs have?

But like you say and many have now, lack of the service on PC is odd. You may be right on the other points regardless.

Hmm, pie.

I think there is a simple explanation to why it's not on 360 and PC. EA has a huge library of last-gen games. They would either have to open all of them to subscribers, people would literally que up fifty games to DL at once.
Or they could cherry pick games on offer and suffer the wrath of internet over the exclusion of their favorite, obscure, game.
By going only current gen, they start from scratch, and even if they give subscribers all their games from launch to mid 2014 by the end of the year, it's still barely a dozen games, and then they just need to add new ones after a set period has expired.

I think I've changed my mind about this being a good PR move. For right now it may be a good PR move but if Sony ever caves (Which they inevitably will if EA access is successful) then this would have been a very bad PR move. They are going to look almost as silly as Microsoft after their first 180.

LOL @ those PS Now prices and then the nerve to say something else isn't a value to consumers.

LudicrousSpeed said:
LOL @ those PS Now prices and then the nerve to say something else isn't a value to consumers.

This is beta...They except to be subscription based meaning it will definitely be very awesome.