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The Fury said:
wilco said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
Why is everyone avoiding the obvious important question?
Why no Origin or 360? Either EA didn't offer it to Sony or Sony didn't pay for it.

You seem to be suggesting that Microsoft paid EA but if they did pay EA then why would they not put it on 360? MS has also never had much of a problem with allowing supposedly exclusive content to go to PC as well. Your examples prove nothing. Xbox One is probably just the beta platform. This service will likely go to as many platforms as possible.

Quite simple, they are trying to promote their new console. Henry is right, a deal for something like this in EA's case not being on Origin/PC is just odd. Maybe Henry is right, EA were making Sony pay for the privilege of having the service.

I just can't see this as the kind of thing you could use to promote a console. Exclusive game, yes, but a subscription service that allows you to play old games? That doesn't really sound like a sexy system seller to me. Atleast not enough to make MS fork up some cash for the privelege, and to even fork up enough cash to keep it off PC as well. I'm fuzzy on the details but if this is a streaming service it would be more difficult on the 360 do to its lack of RAM, so maybe that is why its not coming there.

If MS did pay for this then that was an incredibly dumb move. You really think EA would refuse to put this service on a console? They have to put it somewhere and consoles are their bread and butter. If both sony and MS refused to pay you really think EA would just scrap it? No, they'd put it on the platform because they'd make more money off sales than whatever the platform holders would have paid. I think Sony just genuinely refused to allow the service on their system just like they said.