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Forums - Gaming Discussion - TLOU:R Direct feed Screen Shots. compared to PS4/XB1 games, how does it hold up? ( poll added)


How does TLOU:R compare to current XB1/PS4 games?

doesnt look as good as ei... 8 21.05%
looks as good as XB1/ PS4 multiplats 11 28.95%
looks as good as PS4/XB1 exclusives 7 18.42%
TLOU already looks good I... 12 31.58%
2008ProchargedGT said:
walsufnir said:

Remaster looks sharper and textures are also better but the model of the house in the back has the same poly count as before and the fence looks somehow weird in the remaster - in a way that on PS3 it looked ok because of the lower res and more blur but on PS4 the fence just looks like it's "implanted" and doesn't fit to the scenery.


Thank you for you input, however this thread is to compare this game to current PS4 and XB1 games. How do you feel it compares in that regard?

Too low-poly, in my opinion. Nice, that it is 1080p60 but you can see that it is a game from last-gen - just like you could with PS3 masters from PS2 games.

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In my opinion. Nice, that it is 1080p60 but you can see that it is a game from last-gen - just like you could with PS3 masters from PS2 games.

That is a fair point.

Chevinator123 said:
2008ProchargedGT said:

Yeah current gen as in ps4/XB1/WiiU. I think the environment holds up well to most multiplats but yeah KZ and ISS are on another level. Ill have to see it in motion tho also

Comparing solid 60fps games to fluctuating 30fps games is a bit unfair, but if you compare it to wolfenstein or cod ghosts i say it holds up quite well if not better. BUT then again wolfenstein/cod is cross gen sooo... shrug?

Good point, but what do you think ND could have done with the remaster if they kept it at 30 FPS also? Lreally asking cus not sure)

They have done an amazing job and it's great for all the newcomers to the Playstation brand :).