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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Xbox One: A Lying Failure Machine

VanceIX said:
*sigh* more clickbait.

Why is it that we get at least one or two stupid articles bashing the Xbone for no reason everyday? C'mon guys.

Because it's cool to hate on the Xbox One..

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

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I don't think the guy understands all the management change that happened. Different people, different idea. Still amazing networking features I use almost daily for streaming media.

padib said:
Some people will lap this up because it puts MS in a bad light.

Of course, MS made a few major mistakes with the X1 but lying isn't one of them. They spun like all companies do, with possibly a few lies but all companies do.

Nobody spins like Microsoft. They take spinning to astronomical levels.

Thanks jlmurph!

You people need to understand that he does not complain about the 180's, ne acknoledeges that they are improbements on the x1. The problem is the atituded they have like all thouse 180'0 where just brilliant ideas they had on the spot that they never consider before. After I see the monthly updates that they post like if they deserve an award for finally copying sonys original plan just makes me sick. And also saying they are lisening to consumers opinon is not accurate, they are lissening to complaints wich is vastly diferent.

They are basicly giving the impression that they never did anything bad with the original idea of the x1, and that people where just not ready, and if people keep bending over and taking it there comes a fear that they can do another 180 and bring back all the things that pissed people off because by not admiting they did something wrong they are saying that they have not giving up on the idea.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

phaedruss said:
Eh, what a pointless rant.

I though he had many points actually.

 - The XB1 is a disapointing machine

 - It was much worse when it was first announced, MS are making it midly good now, but they're only just patching in stuff that should have been in there to begin with... they spin this as "amazing" which is kind of dull when you think about it.

 - MS has not apologized for treating everyone like they're idiots (by pushing the Kinect is necessary and the DRM lines mostly).. so people should not forget it, and it shows they may not truly have learned their lesson.

So it's kind of: don't give MS too much credit, even if they did better in the last few months than they did in the last couple of years.

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iceland said:
Fusioncode said:

He's not complaining about Microsoft reversing their original vision, he's upset about their constant lies. Saying you can't just turn off the always online, or that XBO will never come without Kinect. A lot of early adopters bought the XBO based on Microsoft's statements only for them to backpedal damn near everything they said. 

Isn't that reversing their original vision though? I don't really how they can win either way...

MS: XBO will never come without Kinect


MS: You can now buy the Xbox One without the Kinect


It all just seems really pointless to me...

Shit changes, I don't really see the big issue here they're changing to appeal to more consumers. 

I think there is not necessarily a right way of reacting to MS' actions. The way I see it, there are two sides of the coin:

1. Damned if you do, damned if you don't (exactly what you said)

2. Trying to figure out just how much you can screw consumers over. Example (I'm not saying the bolded happened; I'm sure most of us now that it was simply an error, but still, "what if"):

EA: How can we rip off consumers even more?

Employee 1: no babies or swimming pools for Sims 4

Employee 2: always online for SimCity 5(?)

Employee 3: Charge for demos?

Did people forgive EA for taking away the always online from SImCIty? Well, if sales are any indication, not really. "But they listened to the consumers", right? I saw no one saying that. But with MS it's different? How exactly?

What if they were trying to charge for demos (I'm almost certain they didn't) and only changed their mind after not only the backlash but also people not paying for it?

The problem is that certain policies are so bad that they shouldn't be enforced/announced in the first place. They reassured the consumers that things won't change (as in "Don't wait for kinectless xb1, not happening" only for it to happen and some early adopters being stuck with it. I think they should have compensated the consumers somehow (with a game or something).

To me, the "Damned if you do, damned if you don't" approach would only make sense if it was about something gray, not balck.

For example: "early access". Some think it's great, others don't. If there is enough backlash about it, Sony should listen to their fans and not offer it on ps4. If, on the other hand, they announce tomorrow "Awesome news, guys. You can buy games a week before launch just for an extra £10er. No additional content, you just get to play it before others". If ps4 sales then plummet and decide to cancel it, they aren't listening to the fans, they are forced to do something because they have no other choise.



Machiavellian said:
Xenostar said:
Machiavellian said:
Aura7541 said:
Slade6alpha said:
Kinda get the damned they do and damned if they don't idea here. People didn't like the original Xbox One with the DRM, anti used games etc. They reverse it and people still complain.

Well, Jim isn't really complaining about the reversals or that MS didn't do enough. He's complaining about how MS didn't apologize to the consumers for the policies the company was trying to force upon them.

Why would MS need to apologize.  The X1 is a product not some type of institution.  Consumers were never forced to do anything because they have the right to not purchase the device.

So if someone sold you a 4 star holiday and when you got there it was a youth hostel, you would say oh well there not an instituion they didnt force me to buy it.

That is just it, you were not sold a 4 star holiday.  You were told exactly what was included in the product.  Its not like MS hid anything.  They told you exactly what the product was and its focused.  Everyone had plenty of information to make a decision and they did.  When people stated that the product was flawed well they had to make drastic changes.  Hell its one of the reason I believe so many missing features were absent from the X1.  Having to change direction like they did probably ment a re-write of the OS.  When thinking about it, I am sure that their OS team pretty much stated, we have this much time to release a product, you either make a decision now or we go with the original plan.  Its something that is done in software development all the time when drastic parameters have changed.

The DRM granted, but the video doesnt just talk about the DRM, it talks about the promise of Kinect and it always being included and the talk of XBox entertainment bringing new and exclusive TV shows, 2 major features from there reveal press conference dropped 6 months after launch

Well, they had a couple of good news cycle.

this one is not "news" this is a weekly video opinion piece, this week he is covering the 180s and his opinion on them.

Sony other than the firmware updates being a little long in the hoven (still no DLNA and backward compatibility with PS1/2 sucks)... yet the PS4 as a consoles performs great, has a lot of games being released all the time and well, you normally don't have that question about a game's resolution on this machine, only the frame rates varies from titles to title... so people can concentrate on covering the games!

If performane was a given on the xb1 there would be no discussion on this topic, everyone would be happy, since like 90% of the games available on xb1 are also on the PS4... they're better on the PS4 AND the PS4 has all these indie titles ALSO... well you get the situation we have now, where the legally blind buy xb1 and the people with good eyesight/glasses get a PS4.

As of the Wii U, expectations are just different there (honestly if the console was 150 I would probably buy it).

"A Lying Failure Machine"
I'd call it a lying success machine. Who else sells 4.9m units of something after so many lies?

fps_d0minat0r said:
"A Lying Failure Machine"
I'd call it a lying success machine. Who else sells 4.9m units of something after so many lies?