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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Xbox One: A Lying Failure Machine

Kinda get the damned they do and damned if they don't idea here. People didn't like the original Xbox One with the DRM, anti used games etc. They reverse it and people still complain.">"><img src="

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DerNebel said:
daredevil.shark said:

I find these harsh claims againt Xbox One wrong. Its a good machine. Consoles should focus on 60 fps gaming, new exciting IP and interesting multiplayer.

The video is making more harsh comments towards MS than the Xbox, he even says towards the end that the console is now more appealing to him, he just doesn't like how MS handled the whole ordeal with the removal of the DRM first and the Kinect now.

I havent forgotten "Dual" 1080p native output for PS3. Sony lied big time during the launch of PS3. And compared to that Xbox One is nothing. This is really clickbait video.

That man, Jim Sterling. He is right. MS is sugarcoating their lies, and some people are eating it.

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Slade6alpha said:
Kinda get the damned they do and damned if they don't idea here. People didn't like the original Xbox One with the DRM, anti used games etc. They reverse it and people still complain.

Well, Jim isn't really complaining about the reversals or that MS didn't do enough. He's complaining about how MS didn't apologize to the consumers for the policies the company was trying to force upon them.

Ka-pi96 said:
Pretty rubbish really. All this has been said before, what point is there in just repeating what others have already said?

Pretty much all he's been doing lately is repeating things he and others have alreadys said before. I think hes running out of ideas.

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vivster said:
EpicRandy said:
kitler53 said:
can you briefly summaries? don't want to click obvious clickbait. it just rewards the sinners.

Summary : 7min of Xbox hate opinions, twisted truth and dubious link between different element we already heard over and over.

Name a single thing that was wrong in this video. Just one.

His wrong implying Microsoft lied to us pre 180. They didn't lied the xbox one were truely to become what they told us but all the fuss have forced MS to changed their visions. 

He is not wrong when he discribe the original vision of the one nor the actual Xbox One but the process between the 2 as he describe it is filled with hate opinions, twisted truth and dubious link.

Aura7541 said:
Slade6alpha said:
Kinda get the damned they do and damned if they don't idea here. People didn't like the original Xbox One with the DRM, anti used games etc. They reverse it and people still complain.

Well, Jim isn't really complaining about the reversals or that MS didn't do enough. He's complaining about how MS didn't apologize to the consumers for the policies the company was trying to force upon them.

Well I didn't watch the video, just going by what others have said. But also, have they really not apologized? I mean I know they've admitted to making mistakes, but I always thought they did. Phil that is.">"><img src="

Slade6alpha said:
Aura7541 said:

Well, Jim isn't really complaining about the reversals or that MS didn't do enough. He's complaining about how MS didn't apologize to the consumers for the policies the company was trying to force upon them.

Well I didn't watch the video, just going by what others have said. But also, have they really not apologized? I mean I know they've admitted to making mistakes, but I always thought they did. Phil that is. 

They never did. Not even Phil Spencer...

vivster said:
phaedruss said:

1. The changes were not as easy to implement as you seem to think they were, though not impossible but they probably did set them back from where they wanted to be at launch.

2. No one is "performing fellatio" but it's good that MS listened to their consumers. Every company does things in their own interest.

3. Good, so what?

4. That should be assumed yes, but sometimes companies do stupid things, it's great that MS actually listened unlike most companies.

You seem to mistake "having to forcefully remove their favorite features to save their sales" with "listening".

You can't tell me that MS did want to remove everything because they like their customers so much. You can't tell me that they're happy about the changes they were forced to make. That's not "listening". That's grudgingly bowing to the market.

Actually yes, MS did want to remove Kinect because they like their customer so much.  Without customers there are no sales so if your customer does not like something that increase the cost of your console, seems smart to remove it.  Did this guy also do the same type of article when Sony had to take out a lot of hardware from the Original fat PS3 when they released in Europe.  Is this guy going to produce a video on the features promised by Sony but have not been delivered yet.

So let me get something straight.  People have stated they are not interested in TV, they do not want motion gaming and that they want MS to concentrate on games and games that appeal to core gamers.  MS remove Kinect as a bundle.  They have not spoken a word on TV integration for a while.  MS closed down their TV/Entertainment studio.  MS is hiring more developer for improving their hardware and also to their 1st party studio.  Basically MS is doing what everybody said they should do but now the goal post has changed and we consider this as MS lying.

You know what this rant sound like.  You only have to cruise NG4 to see it all the time.  Someone who is pro Sony make these types of rants all the time.  Instead of looking at how a huge company like MS had to shift gears and recognize they were on the wrong path, the Sony fans are looking to turn such maneuvers into something bad.  Politicians do this all the time.  Its interesting how effective such blatant posturing as this video is have people agreeing with it.

This guy rants on about how MS stated Kinect is integral to the X1 experience and there is no doubt that was the way MS was going.  Since this is not what consumers want they had to remove that integration.  People who do not understand software just do not understand how big an undertaking MS probably had to do to remove a lot of the hooks that were only Kinect and rewrite it so it can be done with the controller.  Making changes like that probably had MS throw out a lot of code and start from the beginning.  I know from a number of projects I have done where the customer changed their mind, it was easier to start over than introduce a lot of bugs trying to remove or add in new features.


With that said where is the lying part.  This part I do not get.  If a product isn't selling well its up to the vendor to offer the product in a way that will sell.  So what this guy is saying is that a company cannot drop unimportant features that the consumer does not want.  A product cannot be refocused to what consumers want.  I would assume if anyone would agree with this guy then they probably would have the same mentality towards the PS3 within its lifecycle.

While nothing he is stating is false and I agree with most of it, I don't feel companies (or people) should be looked down upon for doing the right thing. The 180 was the right thing to do, and I believe in second chances. I bought a X540 a few months after PS4 which I picked up on release day, and I can 100% tell you I would not have bought one had the 180 not taken place.

Also, in all reality, MS never actually followed through on treating people like shit. Yeah, they lied about always online, DRM, and Kinect, but when people spoke with their wallet the company was forced to listen. Starting with the 180 and going all the way up to the kinectless price drop. While I am in no way supporting their blatant misleading of customers, I do feel to an extent it is a formality of choosing to be an early adopter and again don't fault them for righting the ship. I bought Kinect version of the system, and guess what Kinect sucks. Just because I bought it early does that mean everyone going forward should have to buy something that sucks? No it doesn't.  Whether they thought they were doing the right thing initially or not, it definitely is their responsibility to release the best possible product, even if it means going back on what they tried to convince earlier purchasers.

Lessons can be learned from this and should be applied to other problems in the industry, like not supporting singleplayer or on disc DLC. Not pre-ordering products that have no information whatsoever released about them. Not paying for early access. Not blindly paying for season passes consisting of completely unannounced items. Not supporting outrageous digital game pricing that isn't inline with retail pricing. All of these things only happen because people pay for it and don't force change via closing their wallet.