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While nothing he is stating is false and I agree with most of it, I don't feel companies (or people) should be looked down upon for doing the right thing. The 180 was the right thing to do, and I believe in second chances. I bought a X540 a few months after PS4 which I picked up on release day, and I can 100% tell you I would not have bought one had the 180 not taken place.

Also, in all reality, MS never actually followed through on treating people like shit. Yeah, they lied about always online, DRM, and Kinect, but when people spoke with their wallet the company was forced to listen. Starting with the 180 and going all the way up to the kinectless price drop. While I am in no way supporting their blatant misleading of customers, I do feel to an extent it is a formality of choosing to be an early adopter and again don't fault them for righting the ship. I bought Kinect version of the system, and guess what Kinect sucks. Just because I bought it early does that mean everyone going forward should have to buy something that sucks? No it doesn't.  Whether they thought they were doing the right thing initially or not, it definitely is their responsibility to release the best possible product, even if it means going back on what they tried to convince earlier purchasers.

Lessons can be learned from this and should be applied to other problems in the industry, like not supporting singleplayer or on disc DLC. Not pre-ordering products that have no information whatsoever released about them. Not paying for early access. Not blindly paying for season passes consisting of completely unannounced items. Not supporting outrageous digital game pricing that isn't inline with retail pricing. All of these things only happen because people pay for it and don't force change via closing their wallet.