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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Xbox One: A Lying Failure Machine

eva01beserk said:
daredevil.shark said:

In sony's case its a "mistake". But when its microsoft its different. There is a line between "mistake" and "lie". Sony crossed it big time with PS3. And I will keep saying these because blind fanboys forget the history very soon.

Are you really this dense? First of all Im a nintendo fan. Second I said sony made the same error and if you want it can be much worst, but thats not the point Im trying to make. The point is that it was recorded in history that the mistake or lie was made and ms chose to ignore it and still did the same thing even if you say to a lesser extent, the same mistake was made knowing it did not work before.

1. I didnt understood your comments properly. So my comment wasnt 100% accurate. And this makes me dense. I agree. You are right.

2. I am a playstation fan; who has a history to nudge other fanboys. But when I see my playstation brothers forgetting the past I cant stand still. Lol.

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Captain_Tom said:
sales2099 said:

Yawn with the comparing. MS, in order to keep Xbox in business, was forced to "listen" to see what the consumers want. Because all updates and features after launch were a direct result of listening.

Sure.  They were forced to listen, they did not decide to because they always put consumers first like they wanted us to believe they did.

LOL Just tell him. Gamestop forced Microsoft to drop DRM by lowering their pre-order count until they were forced into submission. If MS succeeded with DRM it would've been a straight shot to Gamestops profits and everyone knows it. They were trying to help EA stop used games or at least slow it down a lot. It's like no one ever reads an article. As soon as MS dropped DRM Gamestop was oh so happy to increase their pre-order numbers. MS succeeded in not only pissing off consumers, but Gamestop as well. The largest used and new game vendor on the planet.

daredevil.shark said:
eva01beserk said:
daredevil.shark said:

But my comment still holds. Dual 1080p native resolution output for PS3. CGI graphics. Lol. Sony lied big time. Sony did the biggest false marketing in the history of gaming. Compared to PS3; Xbox One seems a small pinkie lie.

"Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it."     ------George Santayana

Your right sony did make that mistake. But does that give ms the right to do the same?(I see what ms is doing much worst but whatever). The worst part is that it was  amistake done by someone else and still they did not learn from it wich is why consumers dont seem to forget and wont let ms of the hook. So for people who keep saying hat sony did years ago, its even worst that ms did knowing it failed before but still arrogantly enouff did it anyways.

In sony's case its a "mistake". But when its microsoft its different. There is a line between "mistake" and "lie". Sony crossed it big time with PS3. And I will keep saying these because blind fanboys forget the history very soon.

I really dont think its forgetting rather ignoring

daredevil.shark said:
eva01beserk said:
daredevil.shark said:

In sony's case its a "mistake". But when its microsoft its different. There is a line between "mistake" and "lie". Sony crossed it big time with PS3. And I will keep saying these because blind fanboys forget the history very soon.

Are you really this dense? First of all Im a nintendo fan. Second I said sony made the same error and if you want it can be much worst, but thats not the point Im trying to make. The point is that it was recorded in history that the mistake or lie was made and ms chose to ignore it and still did the same thing even if you say to a lesser extent, the same mistake was made knowing it did not work before.

1. I didnt understood your comments properly. So my comment wasnt 100% accurate. And this makes me dense. I agree. You are right.

2. I am a playstation fan; who has a history to nudge other fanboys. But when I see my playstation brothers forgetting the past I cant stand still. Lol.

My apologies then. I tend to not proof read before posting. :p. And I get what you mean, even if someone is trying to help your case, if they say something stupid they end up hurting your case instead.

It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.

Hibern81 said:
WhiteEaglePL said:
Well it is currently failing in EU, and it had soooo many 180's....

Should have been called the Xbox 180!!! XD jk jk,

Never heard that one before.

What a surprise, me neither!

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

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Xenostar said:

Yeah i see you just dont understand the definition of a "a lie" then :)

Saying you will never do something and then doing it, means you told a lie.   It really is that simple, there may have been the best of intentions behind it but it doesnt change the fact it was a lie.

Can you tell me who at MS statedyou could not turn off the 24hr check in or that Kinect cannot be removed from the hardware.  Was it Don Matt or Phil Spencer or any official message MS sent to customers concerning the X1.  Was it anyone in charge of the Division or high up to make those decisions.  Could it just be that it was one man answering a question that was thrown to him in a inprontun interview where he probably should have not answered the question because he did not know.

I have searched a lot so but I could only find those statements from Larry and no one else.  Maybe someone else google queries are better than mine.

I believe context is big when making such decisions.  When you only have one person making a statement that is not reiterated by the big brass or communicated officially then its hard for me to say MS as a company lied.  You could easily say that Larry Hryb was either misinformed, knee jerked a response or just responed on how he felt instead of what could happen.

daredevil.shark said:
oniyide said:
daredevil.shark said:

Yeah. I am writing and stearming. Couldnt finish it before writing comment.

probably shouldnt have done it then

But my comment still holds. Dual 1080p native resolution output for PS3. CGI graphics. Lol. Sony lied big time. Sony did the biggest false marketing in the history of gaming. Compared to PS3; Xbox One seems a small pinkie lie.

even if what you say is true. that has nothing to do with what Jim said and is quite off topic

Captain_Tom said:
sales2099 said:
Captain_Tom said:
NobleTeam360 said:

So listening to what the consumer demands is a bad thing.......

They didn't "Listen."  They did what they had to so Xbox would still exist.  


Let's say there is this guy who robs a store every day, but also relies on it for food.  Eventually he realizes the store will go out of business if he robs it every day, so he decides to stop or he won't have anything to eat.  He didn't stop because he listened to what the storeowners wanted, he stopped because he had no other choice.

Yawn with the comparing. MS, in order to keep Xbox in business, was forced to "listen" to see what the consumers want. Because all updates and features after launch were a direct result of listening.

Sure.  They were forced to listen, they did not decide to because they always put consumers first like they wanted us to believe they did.

Do people really think that corporations like Sony, MS and even Nintendo put consumers first.  Can I ask what is the difference between MS today and Sony during the PS3 era.  Just wondering but do people think the Sony we see today would be the same Sony if MS and Nintendo was not present during the PS3.  Do you think Sony was not forced to change their approached to the market and their policies or do you think they learned this leason because they love consumers more than making a profit.

Machiavellian said:

Can you tell me who at MS statedyou could not turn off the 24hr check in or that Kinect cannot be removed from the hardware.  Was it Don Matt or Phil Spencer or any official message MS sent to customers concerning the X1.  Was it anyone in charge of the Division or high up to make those decisions.  Could it just be that it was one man answering a question that was thrown to him in a inprontun interview where he probably should have not answered the question because he did not know.

I have searched a lot so but I could only find those statements from Larry and no one else.  Maybe someone else google queries are better than mine.

I believe context is big when making such decisions.  When you only have one person making a statement that is not reiterated by the big brass or communicated officially then its hard for me to say MS as a company lied.  You could easily say that Larry Hryb was either misinformed, knee jerked a response or just responed on how he felt instead of what could happen.

Seriously, you couldn't find it?

There are some links in my post (#102 of this thread).

This link here:   (some points have been removed after 180)

Article quoting it in the original timeframe      when they still haven't made the change.

I quote:

Microsoft is confirming today that its upcoming Xbox One console will need to connect to the internet every 24 hours for games to work. "Offline gaming is not possible after these prescribed times until you re-establish a connection," says a statement from the software maker. Microsoft explains that Xbox One accounts can be used on other consoles to access digital libraries, but that an hourly internet check will be required in that particular case. Live TV, Blu-ray, and DVD movies will work without a connection check every 24 hours.


More links in my post to statements to senior Microsoft officials such as Don mattrick and Phil Harrison.


Do not shift blame to customer service. All of those policies were official Microsoft policies until they got laughed out of E3 and had to start changing everything.

oniyide said:
daredevil.shark said:

But my comment still holds. Dual 1080p native resolution output for PS3. CGI graphics. Lol. Sony lied big time. Sony did the biggest false marketing in the history of gaming. Compared to PS3; Xbox One seems a small pinkie lie.

even if what you say is true. that has nothing to do with what Jim said and is quite off topic

1. Its offtopic. My apologies. I am sorry.

2. Bolded part: Really? Dont you know history? People will say "Charlie Chaplin" caused second world war a few days later.


Just for you.


And these two.







