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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Destiny Beta Thread: Feedback, Impressions, Media and More. Xbox Beta is Live!!!!


What is your favorite competitive multiplayer map?

Moon 31 41.89%
Earth 11 14.86%
Venus 19 25.68%
Mars 6 8.11%

Once you hit lvl 8, try playing the lvl 5 quest and upgrade the difficulty to 8. Was pretty fun, had a few exciting moments (for me anyway).

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Looks like a new Cruicible mode got unlocked, Iron Banner. But It's the same mode (Control).




More sexxxiness

What's your guys' favourite class so far?

Played a short amount on PS3, will hold off on the rest to play with my brother on Xbone. Not too impressed with the floaty gameplay or the gunplay thus far though. Shotgun is nowhere near satisfying enough. Game needs some good gore.

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I'm officially addicted to this game, I think I played it for 7 hours yesterday lol. Something about the game feels so good. What is everybody's favorite class and weapons?

Hmm favorite class for me is either Hunter or Warlock......or Titan lol. I honestly love playing as all 3.

Got my first blue today. Sucks that it's req is above the lvl cap dammit.

i played it today for the first time. world seems so interesting. sadly we are stuck in old russia for now. gameplay is very solid and its pretty fun. im still planning on getting this day one.

Word of mouth on this game is soooo good.

Going to be HUGE