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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why don't multiplatform and digital games count?


Why don't you count multiplatform and digital games?

I love games because I'm a real gamer! 30 56.60%
Because if someone else c... 13 24.53%
I need to be able to brag in lists! 5 9.43%
FIFA and COD are multi format?!?!? 5 9.43%

Depends on the context. If you're trying to make an argument that the console of your choice, then mentioning games that are available on other consoles is irrelevant.

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The only thing that separates consoles are their games. The NBA 2K series isn't going to sway me between the XBO and PS4, but Uncharted 4 is.

"On my business card I am a corporate president. In my mind I am a game developer. But in my heart I am a gamer." - Satoru Iwata

They use if for comparison between the two. That's why. If it's a digital exclusive, I think it counts. Usually not as much as an AAA, but it definitely still counts.

Multiplats running better and cross game chat/party system had a major impact on X360 sales in the US. The majority of people I have met at gaming events, in classes, work, and abroad mostly play multiplat titles, and they all play on 360 for the reasons above. Every now and then I will run acroos a fan of Gear, Halo, Uncharted, or Gran Turismo, but the are very few.

I believe the majority of consoles are sold on features of the console itself, and games like, Madden, FIFA, NHL, NBA, COD, GTA, and AC. The only exclusive I ever hear about is Halo, in the last Year The Last of Us has been pretty strong, but other than that every person I meet is almost always about one of the titles above and XBL.

The people that are downplaying GTA5, Destiny, Call of Duty, Assasins Creed, Madden, FIFA, Far Cry, and the rest of the third party titles will be in for a surprise this holiday when sales sky rocket. Then they will be surprised again when PS4 sales account for the major majority of these sales based on PSN + better frame rates/resolution.The general consumer is somewhat smart to things, and social media is going to be right there to jump on Sony and MS's backs if they underperform in any area.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


The problem of concern is the assumption that someone who wants to talk about exclusives in a certain thread, disregards multiplatform games all the time, when the truth is they want to talk about exclusives in one thread and talk about multiplatforms in another.... and sometimes even both, but people only like to make assumptions based on the thread about exclusives.

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depends. if i have access to multi and digitals in plataforms i already have, i wouldnt buy a new console for them. so they dont add nothing for the new console, in my opinion.

Lots of people here can't believe Titanfall caused a increase in sales of the X1.

Even though it was a multiplatform title its limited exclusivity helped MS and the X1. People fail to realize that not everyone has a gaming PC, PS4 and every system known to man. The majority of console owners own only one console and no gaming PC and isn't reflected in gaming forums.


Digital games are often smaller in scope: shorter, lower budget and so usually less notable even if they can be excellent games in their own right. Of course, this isn't always true.

Multiplatform games are omitted when doing console comparisons, but not otherwise. I suppose some people do have that mentality of "people who own other consoles can play this, so I don't like it as much", but they're a small minority.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

For me, exclusives define a console. It is the real reason why I would get it. All the multiplats are just a bonus.
Eg; Destiny is on PS3 so if I ever want to play that game I will most likely do so on my PS3 (unless the gameplay difference between the two gens is very noticeable).

Digital games are cheap and short. To me they are like the little movie short they show before a feature length presentation. Like those Pixar shorts before, say, Wall E. People paid to see Wall E and will talk about it rather than that short movie.

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